Fire and Redemption Pt. 5
The church needs to get back to repenting and dying to self and to the lust of the flesh. In the early church it was not just about praying a sinner’s prayer - it was about a total transformation of your life. It was proof of the Holy Spirit in your life. One time, I met this sister at a Reawakening conference and she gave us her testimony about how she was a believer, and by most standards a good Christian, but when she had died, she went to hell. The Lord brought her back from the dead but told her that if He hadn’t, she would’ve spent eternity in hell. She was confused because she really thought she was a good Christian. Jesus told her that He did not even know her. Isn’t that what the Bible says, though? That many in that day would come to Jesus confessing that He is Lord, and He will say to them, “Away from me you workers of lawlessness for I never knew you” (Matt. 7:22-23). Those anointed in the early church had to firs...