Fire and Redemption Pt. 5
The church needs to get back to repenting and dying to self and to the lust of the flesh. In the early church it was not just about praying a sinner’s prayer - it was about a total transformation of your life. It was proof of the Holy Spirit in your life. One time, I met this sister at a Reawakening conference and she gave us her testimony about how she was a believer, and by most standards a good Christian, but when she had died, she went to hell.
The Lord brought her back from the dead but told her that if He hadn’t, she would’ve spent eternity in hell. She was confused because she really thought she was a good Christian. Jesus told her that He did not even know her. Isn’t that what the Bible says, though? That many in that day would come to Jesus confessing that He is Lord, and He will say to them, “Away from me you workers of lawlessness for I never knew you” (Matt. 7:22-23).
Those anointed in the early church had to first spend three years as a catechumen, or a learner. You were not even considered a Christian until you finished that process. That included spending time in the Word for hours every day, and a change in life, a true transformation.
We’re going to see if we’re anointed by God or not, because if we’ve been anointed, then our whole life should be changed. In the Book of Acts, it says that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. He was anointed to preach the good news, the Gospel, the mysteries of the Kingdom. It says that without a parable He did not speak. That is the Gospel that Jesus taught.
The disciple of the Apostle John, Ignatius, described the ointment, or anointing, as the name of Jesus. In the Songs of Solomon, it describes how the virgins are drawn to the anointing. The ointment also speaks of His doctrine. The doctrine that Jesus taught was the mysteries of the kingdom. So, to come in the name of Jesus was to come in His doctrine (mysteries). In the parable of the ten virgins, we can see the wise virgins are the ones who buy this ointment (doctrine).
Ignatius also warns against being anointed with the ointment of false doctrine - he calls it a bad odor. The false doctrine is a false anointing. That is how people could think they are anointed of God, doing signs and wonders, prophesying, and doing miracles but the Lord can still say to them “I never knew you” because they were not anointed with the mysteries of the kingdom.
The menorah represents the church (Rev. 1:20). That is the one piece of furniture in the temple that burns with anointing oil. So for the church to bring light, they need to be anointed with the doctrine, or the name of Jesus. We’re not meant to be anointed with the Holy Spirit just to feel goosebumps and pray in tongues - we are meant to be anointed in the character and function of Jesus Christ.
In Hebrew, the yoke speaks of teaching. The prophet Isaiah says that the anointing, or teaching of the mysteries of the kingdom, will break off that yoke of false teaching. There are so many prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments that warn about false teaching increasing at the end of the age.
Another early church father by the name of Cyprian taught that heretics cannot produce any spiritual anointing; they aren’t capable of bringing a sweet-smelling aroma to the Lord. False teachers bring a false anointing, or a false Jesus. Paul warns that those who preach a different Jesus than Paul preaches, or a different Gospel, let that man be anathema, cursed and damned to hell (Gal. 1:8-9).
The anointing is meant to protect us in times of war - it’s a shield. The divine doctrine of God is the armor of God that protects us. People think that the armor of God that Paul was referring to was like Roman soldier armor, but the armor of God is the high priestly garments. The anointing is meant to prepare us for the glory of God. We are destined for that glory and to be clothed in it. Without this anointed doctrine there is no way for us to be prepared to be a part of the glory that is our inheritance. Amen.
Apostle Michael Petro
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