Fire and Redemption Pt. 4

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about the fire, and how it relates to the anointing of God. We need to go deeper into the anointing to really understand what it means. When the  anointing of God is understood, it has the ability to transform us. The Scripture says that His name is like ointment. Ignatius, who was a disciple of the Apostle John, said that the ointment of His name is His doctrine. 

When I was a part of the Pentecostal churches, I thought that the anointing was when you got goosebumps or some sort of similar feeling. But I’ve since learned that the anointing is not always a good feeling. The Hebrew word for ointment speaks of the oil as breath, just like when God breathed into Adam. The anointing speaks of a pressing. Why is there pressure? The pressure occurs when we are resistant. When our carnal minds wrestle with the mysteries of the kingdom, God applies pressure to get that anointed Word into us. 


When the anointed Word of God comes, it brings pressure for us to change. We can’t be so quick to think that it is Satan bringing tribulation on us, when it is actually the Father bringing that pressure for us to be transformed into His image. If we just allow the Holy Spirit to do what He needs to do in us then that pressure wouldn’t even be necessary. But instead we resist the Holy spirit through our fleshly desires and cares of the world, which makes it necessary for the Lord to apply that pressure. It’s the mercy of God to apply that pressure in order for us to be transformed.


The anointing is costly - it’s not just freely given. There are no handouts in the kingdom of God. The wise told the foolish virgins that they had to go to the oil merchants to buy the oil (Matt 25:8-9). Where was the grace for the foolish virgins? Why wasn’t it freely given to them? The oil merchants are the apostles and prophets. In Ephesians 3, Paul says that the grace of the mystery of Christ was revealed to him so that the church may learn his understanding of the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:2). Grace is the anointing; the anointing are the mysteries of the kingdom.


The book of Acts tells us that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Paul describes the mysteries of the kingdom which are beyond human wisdom, beyond what a scholar can understand, beyond reading Hebrew or Greek. The Jews spoke and wrote Hebrew but were veiled to the mysteries concerning Christ and missed the hour of their visitation. Even if you’re a theologian who can read Greek or Hebrew, it does not mean that you understand what the Lord is saying. Paul writes to the Corinthian church that the deep things of God, the wisdom of God, was revealed through the mysteries that the Holy Spirit taught him (1 Cor. 2:7). 


It’s time for the body of Christ to understand that the anointing has nothing to do with a “feel good message” or getting goosebumps. Even Jesus Himself said that in that day (at the end of the age) many shall come to him saying, “Lord, Lord did we not cast out demons in your name, prophesy, do signs and wonders in your name?” And that Jesus would reply, “Away from me you workers of lawlessness for I never knew you” (Matt. 7:22-23). There are going to be many calling on the name of the Lord, thinking they’re anointed and confessing the name of Jesus, but the Lord does not know them. So, then what spirit are they operating in? The word tells us that at the end of the age, there will be lying signs and wonders. 


Carnal Christians are more concerned about the cares of this world than having a relationship with the Lord. These are the Christians who do not want to die to themselves - they don’t want to pay the price. This is why the Lord raised up apostles and prophets to help mature the church. Paul said that he picked up in his flesh the sufferings that were lacking in the affliction of Christ for the sake of the church (Col. 1:24). This means that it wasn’t all done at the cross because Paul had to pick up the sufferings for the church as well. 


It’s the job of the Apostles to get the church cleaned up. That is why Paul said that he wished to present the church to the Lord without spot wrinkle or blemish, but chaste, holy and pleasing to the Lord (Eph. 5:27). This is all about you. It is about you becoming sanctified so that the Lord could impart His glory into you. Who can stop you then? No demon, no principality, no Antichrist can touch you in the glory. That is your inheritance. Amen.



Apostle Michael Petro


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