
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Manifestation

We are not a traditional church. I grew up in traditional churches and there was no relationship with Jesus in these churches. One of the reasons we go back to read and study the writings of the Ante Nicene Fathers is because they understood what the end times would be like as taught by the apostles. These men didn’t teach that we’d fly away. In fact, they all taught that Christ would manifest in His people at the end of the age.    Scripture says that it has not been made manifest what we shall be like (1 John 3:2). The apostles did not know what it would look like to be in the glory. What they did know is that when Jesus manifests, then we shall be like Him. The book of Revelation starts with “this is the revelation of Jesus Christ.” The apocalypse is not about the end of the world - it is about revealing how we are going to come into the glory to look like Him. The term “manifestation” is similar to the Greek word apocalypse.   Revelation, or the term apocalypse, speak...

Violent Faith

What does it mean to have violent faith? Matthew 11:12 tells us that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. We’re in the end times and without a violent faith, we simply won’t make it. The end time church will need a violent faith, the type of unbreakable faith the early church had, in order to endure the tribulation and be prepared for the second coming of Christ. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. When we hear the Word of God, our faith is increased. When John the Baptist came, the people did not believe in the messenger and were judged for their disbelief. Because they rejected John, they weren’t ready to receive Jesus when He came. Disbelief manifests in those who do not study and who aren’t ordering their lives to be ready for the second coming which is the full manifestation of Christ in His bride.    The early church taught that creation suffered from the fall of Adam and Eve because of t...

24 Elders

The Antichrist system is building quickly as more laws are implemented to remove your rights. The governments of the world are using fear tactics so that people will give up their freedoms and so far it’s working. To further control you, they’re trying to silence noted scientists such as Nobel peace prize winning virologists, who are saying that this vaccine is a horrible mistake that is going to cost many people their lives. When you see the enemy setting up their government you know God at the same time is setting up His remnant to ultimately rule and reign. Peter says that we are a royal priesthood, and in the book of Revelation the Lord makes us into those kings and priests to reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). The Antichrist system is really the same thing as the “New World Order” or “globalism.” But the Lord will have the final say as He establishes His government on the earth, a government that was already structured and understood by the early church. The pattern has alread...

Death to Self

Many things that are happening now are exactly what the Bible prophesied would happen. Los Angeles is about to mandate vaccine passports. This means that very soon those who refuse the Covid vaccine won’t be able to go to work, restaurants or other indoor places like the gym without proof of vaccination. The book of Revelation says that we would not be able to buy or sell without it (Revelation 13:17). The Lord told me this was coming three years ago. I warned the people to get ready and to not get preoccupied with the cares of the world.    Governmental leaders in Australia are now saying it’s time for the New World Order; Canada is following suit, and we’re starting to see it here in America. The one world government has one agenda which is to take control over everything. Many doctors and nurses are coming out against the vaccine and refuse to take it themselves. Doctors and virologists have taken samples from patients who have gotten sick after taking the vaccine and have...

Come Out of Her My People

The early church believed in what is called millennialism, which is what Peter referred to when he taught, “Do not forget one thing, that a day is equal to a thousand years and a thousand years is equal to a day (2 Peter 3:8).” These apostolic men all believed that after six thousand biblical years we would enter the true Sabbath, also called the Millennial Kingdom. The early church knew that there would be two advents of the Elijah ministry. They taught that at the end the church would be in such a bad state that they would need the Elijah ministry in order to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah.   Have you heard this in the church before? How does Elijah fit into your end time eschatology? The church cannot be prepared for the coming of Christ unless they are prepared by the teachings of Elijah. Jesus himself said that Elijah will come and restore all things (Matthew 17:11). While some churches teach that Jesus was referring to John the Baptist this cannot be the cas...