24 Elders

The Antichrist system is building quickly as more laws are implemented to remove your rights. The governments of the world are using fear tactics so that people will give up their freedoms and so far it’s working. To further control you, they’re trying to silence noted scientists such as Nobel peace prize winning virologists, who are saying that this vaccine is a horrible mistake that is going to cost many people their lives. When you see the enemy setting up their government you know God at the same time is setting up His remnant to ultimately rule and reign.

Peter says that we are a royal priesthood, and in the book of Revelation the Lord makes us into those kings and priests to reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). The Antichrist system is really the same thing as the “New World Order” or “globalism.” But the Lord will have the final say as He establishes His government on the earth, a government that was already structured and understood by the early church. The pattern has already been set for the remnant to rule and reign. The priesthood was established in the early church - the problem is for the most part today the church has fallen away from that royal priesthood due to lack of understanding.


The book of Revelation speaks about the 24 elders - this pattern was also shown to be parallel with the 24 orders of the priesthood that were set up by David for the temple. This proves that if you throw out the Old Testament you lose the ability to understand what the book of Revelation is talking about because the Book of Revelation is full of mysteries that refer to the temple and the priesthood. 


The early church taught that the apostles and prophets would be here until Christ’s return to prepare the church. This is a major problem for those denominations who do not believe in those offices anymore. The bishop is the Apostle or High Priest in the church. Ignatius (disciple of the Apostle John), Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian and many other early church apostles taught this. Ignatius said that the High Priests are entrusted with the secrets of God, differentiating between a priest and a high priest/bishop. 


The offices of the bishop, presbyter and deacon are apostolic and prophetic offices. They said that without these offices in place there is no church. The church cannot be ready unless the apostles and prophets are in place to impart the mystery of the kingdom. Think of how many churches you know that are actually doing this. How many churches today are following the pattern of the early church? We’re doing that here. We are going back to the way the church was built. The Lord sends the spirit of Elijah because He knew that the church would be in such a bad state at the end of the age that the spirit of Elijah would have to return in order to restore the priesthood that has become corrupt because of false teaching. If you’re afraid of the Antichrist, you aren’t ready for what’s coming. Hippolytus said that by keeping the mysteries of the kingdom in your heart, and taking the warning of the prophets seriously, you would not be deceived by the Antichrist Kingdom. 

The gifts of the spirit were always meant to be a part of the church in order to grow and strengthen the church. These gifts were also known as the Charismata, which are gifts the Lord endows the church with in order to help develop a believer into a mature Christian. The highest level of giftings has to do with the mysteries of the kingdom being revealed. Understanding the mysteries of the kingdom are a much higher level of gifting than miracles, signs and wonders. The Spirit of Elijah is here to impart the gifts, the Charismata, so that the bride can come to her fullness.


Just like there are different members of the same body and we’re the body of Christ, the Antichrist has many members too. The Antichrist system is on the scene which means that the sixth trumpet is already finished, and we are now waiting for that seventh trumpet. When the seventh and final trumpet blasts, that’s it. So whatever plans you had, whatever cares of this world, you need to give it all up and focus on getting ready. You don’t want to miss this opportunity. There is no coming back after this. We’re never going to “go back to normal.” The life you had before Covid is gone, and you need to focus on getting yourself prepared for that seventh trumpet. Amen.

Apostle Michael Petro


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