Violent Faith

What does it mean to have violent faith? Matthew 11:12 tells us that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. We’re in the end times and without a violent faith, we simply won’t make it. The end time church will need a violent faith, the type of unbreakable faith the early church had, in order to endure the tribulation and be prepared for the second coming of Christ.

Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. When we hear the Word of God, our faith is increased. When John the Baptist came, the people did not believe in the messenger and were judged for their disbelief. Because they rejected John, they weren’t ready to receive Jesus when He came. Disbelief manifests in those who do not study and who aren’t ordering their lives to be ready for the second coming which is the full manifestation of Christ in His bride. 


The early church taught that creation suffered from the fall of Adam and Eve because of the false knowledge or false teaching that they received from the serpent. The book of Enoch tells us that the world became more and more corrupt because of the false doctrines that the fallen angels taught mankind. False teaching brought sin into this world and creation has suffered ever since from that false teaching, or false seed. The only way to atone and restore all things is through true teaching and true doctrine.


The book of Malachi is an end time prophetic book, and it says that many will stumble because of the false teachings brought by the priests. The Bible says we’re a royal priesthood. The issue is the pastors in the church cause many Christians to stumble because of false teaching. God has become weary of these people, their attitudes, refusal to change, and their lack of the fear of the Lord. 

The Lord will only tolerate it for so long and I have no doubt that things are going to shift soon. Scripture tells us that the priesthood will change at the end. God has to send the spirit of Elijah to restore truth by bringing back sound doctrine that the other priests and pastors refused to teach. We know that angels are messengers which means that pastors who teach false doctrine are actually fallen angels. Paul said if any man comes and preaches a different gospel that what we have preached let that man be anathema, which means cursed and damned to hell (Gal. 1:8). The Lord isn’t going to give a free pass on false teaching and false understanding.


Scripture tells us to remember the Torah at the end before the great and terrible day (Mal. 4:4). If the Torah is done away with then why are we being told to remember it? Why is the spirit Elijah returning to teach the Torah? It is not the letter of the law but the spirit that needs to be taught. Jesus said that many would come in that day confessing Jesus as Lord, casting out demons, prophesying and doing signs and wonders in His name. Matthew 7:23 says that He will say to them, “Away from me, for I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness.” Those who practice lawlessness are those “without the law” or those who have thrown out the Torah like most of the church today has.


In the days of John the Baptist, it’s easy to see that the kingdom of heaven suffered violence. Part of this violence was Satan trying to stop the people from hearing John the Baptist’s message because he knew that John’s message would prepare the people for the Messiah. Right now there is a war for the seed to be sown into your soul. The Seed is the Word but we need to remember that there are two seeds or two words: the Seed/Word of God, or the seed/word of Satan.  


When you look deep into this word violence, which is “biazō,” it speaks of persecution coming from your own household, seizing after something with your own energy, meaning it’s a violent choice that we need to make against the enemy and against the beastly nature. This kind of violence speaks of vehemently pressing into the Word of God in a hurry. Peter said we can hasten the day of His coming. That’s violent faith. 


Every time you press into learning truth, that is violent faith. Every time you get on the VOD and listen to the teachings, that is violent faith. The war is waged in the mind. We have to continue to fight false attitudes and mindsets, to be violent against the lust of the flesh. When we fight against those spirits as if we’re fighting for our lives, the Holy Spirit will snatch away those thoughts from your mind violently. Scripture uses the word “harpazo” for “snatching away” which is the term some people use when speaking of the rapture. Many Christians today think they’re just going to fly away but the true rapture is the revelation we receive which causes us to ascend in the spirit.


Right now we are in a season where the Lord is marking the wise and the foolish virgins. Those who are violently pressing into truth and are changing their walk will be the wise, and those who are lazy with that truth and doing nothing with it will be sealed as the foolish. Through that divine knowledge of Jesus we will be able to attain the glory and virtue of who He is. Just like the Israelites fought for the land as their inheritance, we must use violence to receive the glory, which is our inheritance. Amen.

Apostle Michael Petro



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