Death to Self

Many things that are happening now are exactly what the Bible prophesied would happen. Los Angeles is about to mandate vaccine passports. This means that very soon those who refuse the Covid vaccine won’t be able to go to work, restaurants or other indoor places like the gym without proof of vaccination. The book of Revelation says that we would not be able to buy or sell without it (Revelation 13:17). The Lord told me this was coming three years ago. I warned the people to get ready and to not get preoccupied with the cares of the world. 


Governmental leaders in Australia are now saying it’s time for the New World Order; Canada is following suit, and we’re starting to see it here in America. The one world government has one agenda which is to take control over everything. Many doctors and nurses are coming out against the vaccine and refuse to take it themselves. Doctors and virologists have taken samples from patients who have gotten sick after taking the vaccine and have evidence that this injection is affecting their DNA. It’s here saints...We need to ask ourselves, are we playing games or are we taking it seriously? 


We're going to learn today about death to self. I witnessed this when I ministered in India, where so many mothers left their families to follow Christ. We need a reality check. It’s either we believe this or not. It’s time to get prepared for what’s unfolding. 


In Origen’s writings he describes idolatry as anything that we put before God. So basically, an idol is whatever priority we have that is not God. It could be your family, your job, yourself, your desires, or the lust of the flesh. When we put other things before God it means we’re serving another god. Scripture says their god is their belly, which is their carnal appetites (Php. 3:19). That’s not just talking about food - it’s about anything you desire that you put before God. We’re finding out who is making their job their priority. 


The Lord spoke about those who are the doers of the Word. They are likened to the wise man who built his house on the rock. When the storms came it was not destroyed. You’re the house and the rain is the revelation. God is testing everyone to see if we understand and are getting ready or if we’re the foolish who built our house on sand. 


Jesus said that in order to enter eternal life we need to keep the commandments (Matt. 19:17). At this point, most of the church has done away with the commandments. Jesus said that He and the Father will make their abode in us if we keep the commandments (John 14:23). The first five commandments teach us how to love God, the second five teach us how to love each other. Jesus taught that if we obey the commandments, He will give us the Holy Spirit. Most denominations falsely teach that all we have to do is pray the sinner’s prayer to invite Jesus into our hearts and some even say that after that happens we instantly receive the Holy Spirit. Scripture is clear that we need to keep the commandments in order for Him to dwell in us.


Any denomination or person who is contradicting what Christ taught is in the spirit of Antichrist. People might say that no one can walk out the commandments but we read that Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous walking in all the commandments of God (Luke 1:6). Somebody is lying to us and it is certainly not God. God chose those who were walking out the Torah to bring the knowledge of salvation to His people. He is the head and we are the body, but if we are disobedient to His commandments, it’s like the body of Christ is paralyzed from the neck down. The head, Christ, works, but the signal going down to the body, the church, is not connected. 


There are two images the Word talks about, the outer man and the inner man. With these vaccines they are changing your DNA. The Bible said that the seed is the Word, and in the sperm of a man is His DNA. What they are trying to do is alter God’s creation. That is exactly what happened in the days of Noah. Jesus said that as in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man. We have false teachers who are in the church secretly bringing in destructive heresies, denying the Lord who made them. It’s crazy to me that there are churches that won’t let anyone attend unless they have been vaccinated by this DNA altering injection.


We were created in the image of God but the image of God only comes through His revelation. When we receive revelation, it transforms us into His divine image. The Antichrist Spirit comes to destroy that true seed. The inner man is destroyed with false teaching and the outer man is destroyed with this DNA altering vaccine. Saints, there is no time. It’s here. You either forsake the things of the world and just soak yourself in the Word of God or you’re going to fall for this Antichrist system. Choose today whom you will serve. Amen.


Apostle Michael Petro







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