Red Heifer: 3rd and 7th Day
Just recently five red heifers have arrived, in secret, in Israel. All of them are ceremonially pure. This all has to do with an important, end time prophecy. It’s a sign of the end times. These red heifers are just a natural sign of God’s spiritual red heifers that are prepared and are ready to be used.
There is a prophecy that there would be ten red heifers sacrificed and that the tenth red heifer would be sacrificed by either the Messiah or Elijah. They are saying that this is the tenth red heifer. This has to do with the waters of purification, which use the ashes of the red heifer to purify the temple and the nations.
When you look at how the red heifer is sacrificed, it is unique in so many ways. For one, it is the only sacrifice that is done outside of the temple. According to the Early Church the red heifer was a type of Christ, who was also sacrificed outside the temple. I also realized that the Apostle Paul was alluding to Christ being the red heifer as he wrote in his epistle to the Hebrews, that He may sanctify the people, which was why he was sacrificed outside the camp.
Just as the waters of purification were used to purify the people, the blood of Jesus is used to purify the nations. What is interesting is that Paul likens the water of purification with the ashes of the red heifer, to the blood of Jesus. How can that be? John said that the Spirit, the water, and the blood all bear witness on the earth and are one (1 John 5:8).
The Early Church taught that the blood of Jesus is his doctrine. The whole Early Church understood and taught that the doctrine of Jesus are the mysteries of the kingdom. The hyssop that was used to sprinkle the water of purification represents the cross. Paul mentions that we too are meant to go out and partake in that same sacrifice as Christ did, that we’re meant to also be that red heifer along with Christ.
People who say that Jesus did it all at the cross cannot reconcile that the Word also says that we are meant to be partakers of the sufferings of Christ. Paul also says in Colossians that he fills up in his flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for the sake of his body which is the church (Col. 1:24). Paul was saying that it was not all done at the cross.
We are meant to be those living sacrifices, just like that sacrifice when the temple was dedicated with fire. The Lord wants to bring back that fire to purify His remnant. This is a very serious time, and the Lord is looking for those who are serious. All the issues that we deal with, whether it’s depression, lust, anger, or whatever it may be, we just need to let the Lord to sprinkle us with the Word. If we do not press into the teachings and to these revelations, we cannot be washed. It is like being given a remedy to cure your illness by a doctor but if you don’t take your prescribed medicine how can you get healed? It is the same thing with the Word of God.
In Hebrew thought your name is your character and function; it is your destiny. Your name is part of your destiny - it is your soul. So, if you do not get your soul cleaned up you will not reach your destiny and God cannot use you.
Origen said that Elijah will come and bring a preparatory Word to get the remnant ready for the glory of God. This preparation is to have our souls ready for that final fire, that final washing. Barnabas said that the priest that helped sprinkle the water of purification are the apostles. So, if there are churches who do not believe in apostles then how can they be washed? Barnabas also spoke about how we are meant to sanctify the true Sabbath. We have churches today that are trying to debate about if the true Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday but the Early Church said that the true Sabbath is the millennial kingdom, which is the seventh day. They knew this was prophesied in Genesis during the days of creation.
We just did an interview with a brother named Byron Stinson, who helped the Jews find the red heifers - he is the one who found the five red heifers that were sent to Israel. He’s the one who helped them find the red heifers that are ceremonially pure. He has strong ties with the rabbis in Israel. As we were talking, we found that those red heifers were born at the same time that I had that vision in my room of the red heifer and the Lord was telling me that they were here on the earth. Those red heifers are now two years old.
I asked him if any of the red heifers were ready to be sacrificed. He told me that two of the red heifers are qualified to be sacrificed. What is interesting is that those two are from Houston. That is not a coincidence. The Lord is telling us where His red heifers are. It is time to be ready. The end is here - I’m telling you it’s here. Things are about to change. God is showing us what is happening in the spirit through what’s happening with these red heifers. He has those that are ready to be sacrificed to be used in this last move of God. Amen.
Apostle Michael Petro
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