The Spirit Versus the Soul
Something big is getting ready to hit us. There is a massive release about to take place to bring in the final harvest. This won’t be another revival and it won’t be like anything we’ve seen before. The remnant is being prepared for this last move of God. Scripture says, “Come out from amongst her my people, those in Babylon.” All the people we’ve been working with to move the ministry to Houston have said the same thing; they’ve said they can see that God is with us and that they can feel His presence when they’re around us. That’s how we’re supposed to walk, carrying His presence everywhere we go.
To be anointed means you are anointed with teaching in order to breathe it into others. However, Early Church Father Ignatius tells us that there is also a false anointing, or a false teaching, which he called a bad odor of false doctrine. So, you need to ask yourself who’s breath you have in you - the breath of God or the breath of Satan? Jesus said that the seed is the Word. The word for “seed” in Greek is where we get the word “sperm.” At the end, we’re either impregnated with one seed or the other.
In Hebrew thought, the soul is feminine and the spirit is masculine. Jesus is coming back for His bride. Do you think that Jesus is going to come back to marry a man? How can a man be the bride of Christ? He wants to marry your soul (which is feminine). So, if your soul has a bad odor from false teaching, what makes you think He’ll want to marry you? God wants to impregnate your soul with the seed of His Word to regenerate your inner man from the image of the beast to the image of God. Those who are fighting this seed Word are like the woman with the issue of blood. If you’re a person who doesn’t want to learn the revelation, you’ll just keep aborting this seed, and you won’t ever get impregnated with that true seed word to become the bride of Christ.
After the resurrection it says that Jesus opened the minds of the apostles (Luke 24:45). In Hebrew thought, the mind speaks of the womb. Every time the Word of God comes into your mind and you receive it and start to adjust your life according to it, that means the glory of God is filling your temple. The Early Church taught that there were revelations that were not meant for their time but would come at the end of the age. We are coming into a knowledge that has never been seen before.
Those who are mature, or “perfect,” see the true beauty of the manifestation of the glory (1 Corinthians 2). These are people who don't just hear the message - they see the beauty of who He truly is. The immature aren’t able to see the glory because they are unable to see the beauty in the revelation of the Word. Those who are immature still see things by the letter and are at a rudimentary level. To them it is said that the Word had no form or beauty. This was prophesied by Isaiah when Jesus came (Isa. 53:2). Does this mean Jesus was ugly in physical appearance? No, it meant that they only could see Jesus the Word after the flesh and not see the beauty of the Spirit. To become perfect is to be without sin - it literally means that all your sins are wiped away. The fire of God comes to consume all sinful desires, evil thoughts, and wicked actions, and not actual wood, hay or stubble.
Those who can’t change their walk are those who are unable to change their way of thinking - it’s the mindset that has to change first. Those who are capable of receiving the teachings are those who have been consumed by the fire of His presence. We're stepping into another dimension. We're stepping into a level of the governmental realm. Satan will dismantle you if you have not fought those princes. Principalities come to attack the mind, so if your mind is not sealed, you’re open game for them.
The judgment and wrath of God is coming on those who suppress the truth by killing people with the letter. Paul wrote that the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. Paul also taught that if our Gospel is veiled, it’s veiled to them who are perishing (2 Cor. 4:3). The world doesn’t study the gospel - it’s the church that is veiled to the deeper meaning of Scripture. Many Christians read the Gospel and are spiritually dead because it’s veiled to them. You need to give all to have the veil removed. God isn’t going to bless you unless you’re willing to walk away from everything: from father, mother, husband, wife, and children (Matt. 19:29).
When I was in India, I saw 700 Muslims come to Christ. They couldn’t go back to their families; they would’ve been killed if they tried taking their kids or if they came back. They were weeping because they would never see their families again and I wept with them. That’s what it takes to follow Christ. They were my heroes that day. When you're dead, you're dead to the works of the flesh and are alive in Christ. If you're walking in truth nothing can touch you. We’re so close to the end and it’s time to surrender all. It is all or nothing now. If we don’t surrender now, you will miss it.
Apostle Michael Petro
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