The Anointing Pt. 6


The Lord is bringing up a generation of fiery ones. When the fire came down to dedicate the Temple of Solomon, everything in the temple was in order. The same goes for the early church which was all about order with its structure like the temple. The Word says that we are a nation of king priests, a royal priesthood, so the priesthood is not done away with. The temple is also not done away with, as we are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16). 


The Didache is the earliest recorded document written during the time that Jesus and the apostles were alive. This was instruction for the church used by the early church and given to new converts. In this document it says that the office of the prophet was still in effect and was not done away with. It describes a prophet as one who discloses the mysteries of the faith. 


A prophet that comes to minister the mysteries of the faith is to not be judged by anyone because he answers directly to God. If anyone tries to judge God’s prophet that is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Word says touch not God’s anointed (1 Chron. 16:22). When Saul was killed, the man who brought Saul’s crown angered David (as if this was a good thing that Saul had been killed). David was angry because that man had no fear of God, and he touched God’s anointed. The anointing is very dangerous. 


The Didache also describes a false prophet as one who asks for money. We have these so-called prophets who have thousand-dollar (or more) prophecy lines and so on. They will give you a word depending on how much you give. How many churches do you know that do that? 


The Word says that we are saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8). Faith is the medium which we come to grace; it is through faith that we receive grace. The Apostle Paul says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. True faith is not blind where we just simply believe. We cannot have faith without having the Word. Paul also defines what grace is. In Ephesians 3, Paul said that the grace was given to him for the church. 


Quite simply, the church does not receive grace apart from the Apostle. It came to the apostle Paul first, and from him it was imparted to the church. Paul defines grace as his understanding of the mystery of Christ that was given to him (Eph. 3:2-3:3). He also says that this grace is given only to the apostles and prophets. Paul did not say it was given to preachers, teachers, and evangelists. Without the office of the apostle and prophet there cannot be any grace imparted, according to the Apostle Paul and the whole early church. 


The early church said that apart from a Bishop, which is an apostle, there cannot be any church. Why would God establish an order for His church and then expect us to not follow it. When we read the early church, we can see how far the church has fallen from its original state. This is why Jesus says in the book of Revelation to go back to what you once knew (Rev. 3:3). 


To be in the anointing there are going to be tribulations and pressings. The tribulation is what brings refinement. Most don’t want to go through tribulation, and falsely think that Jesus did it all at the cross. Paul says that to be a partaker of consolation we must be a partaker of the suffering (2 Cor. 1:7). In the early church, it was an honor to go through tribulation. These days people cannot even handle if someone says something bad about them on social media. The Lord is looking for the serious ones, the ones who are willing to pay the price. Amen. 



Apostle Michael Petro


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