The Two Witnesses Reveal the Glory Pt. 3
I was just coming back from the Reawakening conference in Virginia with Pastor Rudy and the team, and I learned that the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed. If you haven’t heard of the Georgia Guidestones, they were monolith stones that were put on a hill in Georgia, and no one really knows how they got there or who even put them there.
On these stones were written the Satanic 10 commandments. One of those commandments is that the population should come down to 500,000,000. They are talking about eugenics, depopulation, which is the plan for the New World Order. They say this will happen by 2028. Why did they want to get the population down? Simply because it is easier to control people with a smaller population.
I was interviewing a sister by the name of Sheila Holm, who has done extensive research on the Georgia Guidestones, and she explained how those stones got there. Donald Trump has actually read her books. We just hit it off when we spoke - I usually will interview someone for about 30 minutes, but we went on for an hour.
This monument was put on a specific spot of the east coast of the United States, with a spiritual strategy of targeting the “East Gate.” They are putting a marker for opening a gate for Satan. In Israel, the Muslims had put a cemetery on the East Gate because they know that the Word says that the Messiah will come through the East Gate. They really think that a graveyard is going to stop the King of Glory. We are the temple that the Lord is going to enter through.
At the conference, I had the opportunity to listen to a virologist who spoke about Satanists in the government. She even spoke about Hillary Clinton, who promoted a book to her followers titled “Rules for Radicals.” In that book, the author dedicated it to Lucifer, the “ultimate radical.” That book is about how to destroy a society and the tactics in this book are also used by George Soros.
So, every Christian who voted for Hillary Clinton was voting for Satan. There is no way you can vote Democrat and actually be a Christian. Every one of us is held accountable for our choice in casting a vote, and there won’t be any excuses. The social programs the Democrats push are irrelevant. Let’s remember that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees who were decorating the tombs of the prophets; the Pharisees said that if they were there in the time of their fathers they would not have persecuted the prophets. In Luke 11:47, Jesus said, “Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your ancestors who killed them.” So, you can say all you want that you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because of her Satanic beliefs, but Jesus is looking at where we cast our votes.
The Lord said that He will give you leaders after your own heart (Jer. 3:15). So, when I see leaders in the church who are still voting Democrat, they are not concerned about holiness. It’s not about holiness or the people, it’s about self and about money. They allow LGBT into the churches. Listen, I have no problem with anyone from that community coming to church. They need healing just like everyone else. If a man were to walk into our church wearing a dress, you treat them the same way as you would anyone else. The problem with these churches is they are conforming to and compromising with things that contradict the faith.
I know what I am saying is intense, but listen, the Lord loves us and wants us to get ready. He is there to help us. If you feel like the Lord is not hearing your prayers, it does not mean the Lord has left you. He is working things out in your life and trying to get you cleaned up. He is there for us, and even if we are living in sin, He will take us to the woodshed to bring correction for our benefit. Hebrews 12:6 tells us that the Lord chastises those whom He loves. A good Father disciplines their children. It is when we refuse to change that we can become like Judas. Trust in the Lord to take us through the process. We need to be completely sold out to Christ. Amen.
Apostle Michael Petro
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