The Face of God

We are so close to the end move and we need to be prepared for what is coming. God is moving in miracles I have never seen before. We need to be ready to train others. Someone recently reminded me of a prophetic word that I got years ago from an Indian prophet, Pastor Thomas, and now we are seeing those things he prophesied come to pass. 

We finally have more people starting to speak up and take a stand. I just interviewed Father Altman, a Bishop of the Catholic church, who has taken a firm stand against the Pope. He called the Pope a viper, along with all the other bishops who failed to stand up against abortion. He doesn’t even call him the “Pope”-  he calls him by his real name, Jorge Bergoglio. He also referred to all the bishops who wouldn’t stand for biblical truth as a brood of vipers. This guy was intense and also spot on!

As we spoke, I brought up the Didache and the Constitution of the Apostles concerning abortion and he knew exactly what I was talking about because he has studied those documents as well. Most Christians do not even know about these early Christian writings that were given for the instruction of the church. Father Altman also called out Jorge for bypassing the Bishop at San Francisco for denying Nancy Pelosi communion because of her support of abortion because he should’ve denied her communion years ago. You cannot be a Christian or a Catholic and support abortion. In the early church, they would kick you out of the church for committing that sin because it is murder. 

However, if you had an abortion before you came to the faith or were not taught in your church that is another thing. The Lord will forgive your ignorance and bring you in to get cleaned up and healed. But if you’d been taught and you still did it anyway, that was just cause to be thrown out of the church. There is no middle ground in the church. The early church was on fire for the Lord and compromising the Word was never an option. That is one of the reasons why they walked in immense power. 

Lactantius, a third century early church father, spoke about the fire that would be released at the end. This is the fire of God. He taught that the fire would be released on both the righteous and the wicked. The wicked will be scorched by this fire because of the sin in their lives. The righteous who are full of virtue will be purified by this fire; it will have no destructive effect on them. The Jews call this the Elijah fire. 

There is fire in all three levels of the temple. In the Outer Court you have the Brazen Altar that is the fire for sacrifice and repentance. The fire in the Holy Place is the fire of the anointing by the Menorah. Then we have the fire in the Holy of Holies, where God is an all-consuming fire.  

Origen speaks about the face of God and what it means to see His face. One of the controversies among some of the Jews was concerning Isaiah seeing the face of God. Many rabbis considered Isaiah to be a false prophet because the Word says that “no can see His face and live” (Exodus 33:20) and Isaiah wrote that he had seen the Lord (Isaiah 6:5). Moses was told that no man can see God’s face and live, yet the Lord told Aaron and Miriam that He knows Moses’ face to face (Num. 12:8). This is not a literal death the Lord was talking about because Moses had seen the Lord’s face and was still physically alive. It is a death to self. 

Origen explained that when the Seraphim covered the face of God it was symbolic of the end. This does not mean that the end times will be veiled for all time, but as Amos 3:7 says, “God does nothing in the earth until he reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.” Also, the book of Revelation says that as the seventh trumpet is about to blast the mystery of God will be finished as declared by His servants the prophets. The prophets will see the face of God and reveal the end times to the church. 

The Lord is looking for those who are preparing themselves for the fire of God. We can’t live in sin and think that God is going to overlook it. This fire is going to come, ready or not. In Psalm 12:6, David said, “The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.” So, the Word is like fire. The Hebrew word “lahat” is what is used to describe the flaming sword in the book of Genesis that surrounds the Garden of Eden. Lahat means secrets. To be prepared for that all-consuming fire we need to be consumed by the fiery secrets of God’s word. Amen. 


Apostle Michael Petro


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