The Two Witnesses: Reveal Glory
We are at a crossroads right now where things are getting so bad that God won’t let it go much longer. He is going to bring swift judgment into this nation if there is no repentance. We can claim our faith to be Christians but faith without works is dead (James 2:17). It’s time for a season of prayer and fasting for what is happening. With everything going on with Russia, we need to take this time very seriously.
In the early church a simple confession that “Jesus is Lord” was not a means of salvation. Jesus himself said that if we love Him, we’ll keep His commandments. Justin Martyr, a second century Christian apologist, said that those who profess to believe in Jesus but do not have the correct doctrine are not true Christians. In their time, there were heretics who claimed to be Christians and confessed Jesus as their Lord, but they were heretics nonetheless. You cannot be a heretic and a Christian at the same time.
No one can walk out the Word unless it has been revealed. Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” This is why in the early church they did not believe that the Torah was done away with - it was the letter that was done away with but not the spirit. They taught the spirit of the Law, the revelation of the secret meaning of the Torah.
The Lord showed me in the book of Zechariah so many things that were prophesied in the book of Revelation. For example, the four horses in the book of Zechariah are also found in the book of Revelation. One of the other parallels we see is with the two witnesses. In Zechariah chapter four, we see the two olive trees which are also known as the two anointed ones. They pour the anointing into the menorah.
In Revelation 1:20 the menorah is at the right hand of Jesus and is known as the seven churches. The menorah represents the church. The church receives the anointing from the two anointed ones, or the two witnesses. Revelation 11 expounds on the ministry of the two witnesses. Their ministry will last for three and a half years.
The early church taught that the anointing is the secrets of the kingdom. Ignatius, Origen, and Lactantius all testify to this. They also taught that the remnant church is taught by these two witnesses. They are to teach them the mysteries of the kingdom, to help them correct their lives and to prepare for the glory of God to manifest. Without their preparatory discipline and teaching no one could be prepared for the glory of God.
The anointing oil was stored in the Holy of Holies and the only way to retrieve it is to go behind the veil, and only the high priesthood was allowed to go into the holy of holies. The two witnesses are a high priestly ministry. Various early church fathers taught that one of the two witnesses is Elijah. It was not clear who the second witness would be. They said it could be Moses or Enoch.
The Lord sends out a scroll, a message with curses written on it, which is released to remove thieves from the earth. In Greek, the word thief speaks of a false teacher. The Lord is going to remove these false teachers. Next, the Lord shows a woman in a basket. In Hebrew thought a basket is used to conceal something; it is a mystery. So, who is this woman hidden in the basket? It is the Harlot, mystery Babylon. Babylon means a mixture in the anointing. The early church taught how the anointing represents doctrine, which are the mysteries of the kingdom. The harlot is those in the church who profess to be Christians but have a mixture in their teaching.
Jesus warned against the leaven of the Pharisees and said that their leaven is false teaching. Paul said that a little bit of leaven will ruin the whole lump. That’s all it takes, a little bit of false teaching mixed in.
We are living in a time and a season where people are not serious about what the Lord is doing. I asked a pastor why he doesn’t run his church like the early church and he said it’s just too hard. If you're carnal, it is too hard. Peter knew salvation would cost everything and even asked Jesus who could be saved (Luke 18:26). With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. We must have a fire in us. I used to drive hours six to seven hours to the Toronto revival. I saw people sell their homes from different countries. If we’re hungry to change and to be pure we will do whatever it takes to get there. It’s dependent on our hunger and thirst for righteousness. Amen.
Apostle Michael Petro
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