The Two Witnesses: Reveal the Glory Pt. 2

I’m going to share what I left out of last week’s message. The Lord told me that the shift is here, and with this revelation we have enough to get across. We are at the point now where the Lord is looking for those who want to cross over. This morning I got two confirmations about today’s message. 

The Lord is saying it’s time to repent because there is no more time left. I just heard of this person who was just baptized and when they came up, they were shaking and saying that the Lord is coming soon, there is no more time, and that we need to repent before it’s too late. One of our pastors just sent me a message this morning telling me that the Lord told him that the Lord is starting to prune people out of the church to prepare for the harvest. For a tree to grow and produce more fruit, the dead branches need to be pruned. 

One of the most important things that we need to understand is who we are and what God has called us to be. In the early church they described the Cherubim as the keepers of knowledge. They taught that we could become Cherubim by becoming filled with divine knowledge. We need to remember that becoming an angelic being does not necessarily mean that we just turn into an angel with wings. Jesus called John the Baptist His Messenger, or His angel. In both the Greek and Hebrew an angel speaks of a messenger. The early church also taught that the Seraphim and Cherubim represent wisdom, the Word and the spiritual senses.

This brings me to the mystery of the second witness. Multiple early church fathers were not sure who the second witness would be. They knew with certainty that one of the two would be Elijah; however, pinpointing the second witness was difficult. Some considered Enoch, Moses, or Jeremiah as possibilities. However, when you look at the third chapter of Zechariah, God refers to a Branch. What is interesting is that Jesus refers to Himself as the Vine, and His servants as branches (John 15:5).  He then speaks of a stone laid before Yahushua that has seven eyes. Jesus, or Yahushua changes Simon’s name to Peter which means “rock” and says, “upon this rock I will build my church.”

The seven eyes are the seven spirits (Rev 5:6) and the seven spirits are the seven lamps (Rev 4:5) which Jesus said are the seven churches (Rev 1:20). This not only has to do with the church, but it also has to do with the second witness. The Lord showed me that the second witness is David. The Bible gives us so many clues concerning David. The prophet Isaiah and the book of Revelation speak about the key of David. The early church taught that the key of David was used to unlock the mysteries of the Scriptures. Revelation 10:7 says that as the seventh trumpet was about to blast the mystery of God will be finished as declared by His servants the prophets.

When you read about David in the Old Testament, he was doing things that went against the letter of the law. David ate the shewbread, wore the ephod of the High Priest, and wore the garment of fine linen. David also brought the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. Despite David’s flaws, God saw David’s heart. He offered so many sacrifices to bring in the glory of God - every six steps David would sacrifice an ox to the Lord. Just think of how far it was to get to the city of David and every six steps he made an ox sacrifice. This shows that it’s going to take sacrifice to bring in God’s glory. The tabernacle of David was about being in God’s presence all the time. 

David was allowed to be in God’s presence whenever he wanted. The Aaronic priesthood could only enter once a year, but just like Moses, David practically lived in God’s presence. The early church taught the tabernacle of David also had to do with the glorified body. How else would we be able to be in God’s glory unless we are transformed. The Lord said He would raise up the tabernacle of David in the end times. 

The Lord said to me last week this is the last thing we need to know. We are right where we need to be to bring the glory back. The two witnesses are Elijah and David, the two people who had constant access into the glory. Both witnesses must have a high priestly anointing. David is the only other one who had access to the glory of God and the authority to go into the Holy of Holies. They are the two who pour out the oil at the end times to the remnant church. Amen.


Apostle Michael Petro


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