
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Two Witnesses: Reveal the Glory Pt. 2

I’m going to share what I left out of last week’s message. The Lord told me that the shift is here, and with this revelation we have enough to get across. We are at the point now where the Lord is looking for those who want to cross over. This morning I got two confirmations about today’s message.  The Lord is saying it’s time to repent because there is no more time left. I just heard of this person who was just baptized and when they came up, they were shaking and saying that the Lord is coming soon, there is no more time, and that we need to repent before it’s too late. One of our pastors just sent me a message this morning telling me that the Lord told him that the Lord is starting to prune people out of the church to prepare for the harvest. For a tree to grow and produce more fruit, the dead branches need to be pruned.  One of the most important things that we need to understand is who we are and what God has called us to be. In the early church they described the Cherub...

The Two Witnesses: Reveal Glory

We are at a crossroads right now where things are getting so bad that God won’t let it go much longer. He is going to bring swift judgment into this nation if there is no repentance. We can claim our faith to be Christians but faith without works is dead (James 2:17). It’s time for a season of prayer and fasting for what is happening. With everything going on with Russia, we need to take this time very seriously. In the early church a simple confession that “Jesus is Lord” was not a means of salvation. Jesus himself said that if we love Him, we’ll keep His commandments. Justin Martyr, a second century Christian apologist, said that those who profess to believe in Jesus but do not have the correct doctrine are not true Christians. In their time, there were heretics who claimed to be Christians and confessed Jesus as their Lord, but they were heretics nonetheless. You cannot be a heretic and a Christian at the same time.  No one can walk out the Word unless it has been revealed. Deut...

The Anointing Fire Pt. 5

The Lord spoke to me and told me that He is going to start pulling in people by His power. He told me that the next move will seize people. The Lord told me that we have to get our faith levels up, and instead of asking for the souls, tell Him that we’re going to go and get these people. The Lord is putting it all in motion now - no more waiting. A lot of people are going to start coming to the Lord, even starting this week.  The soul is the place of emotion. It is where we struggle with things in our lives such as depression, which stems from wounds in our souls in those deep places where we need healing. The Word of God is what gives the remedy your soul needs to cover those holes. The early church taught this happens through the Word being revealed to us.  They call this process the ascension of the soul. The soul ascends through sanctification and moral perfection. This ascension is not just in our understanding but also in departing from the cares of the world. The care...

Who Are the 144,000? (Pt. 2)

The only person who can stop you from getting healed and coming into God’s call on your life is you. We have a choice to make to either change or stay in our old ways. My Pentecostal upbringing had me thinking that God was going to do it all for me, but the Word of God says blessed is he who overcomes. So as we overcome old ways of thinking, the Lord is blessing us.  God expects us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Php. 2:12). If you feel like you just can’t break through to the next level and you don’t want to go on anymore to the point of quitting, there will be an open door for demons to come into your life. Those demons look to prey on those who decide they don’t want to change; they don’t want to grow in Christ any longer.  God is looking for those who are the fighters. The prophet David was a fighter. Not only did he fight but he taught others to fight, too. You are not just fighting for your own soul and transformation but for others. The Word call...