The Battle of the Mind, Pt. 2

I am 100% certain that we are at the end times. If you knew for certain that Jesus would be returning tomorrow, would you be living the way you are right now? How would you be living your life? We need to make sure that we have no aughts with anyone, no issues with anyone. If we are really honest with ourselves, how would we treat each day if we really believed it was the end?

I find that my days go much differently when I wake up and ask the Lord, “What can I do today to fulfill your plan and purpose today?” When I live my life the way I want to live it, it’s just not the same. Our lives are not our own and it’s time we start living like it. The Lord is not going to use those who keep their lives as the priority (John 12:25). 

A second century early church father by the name of Origen described how the Antichrist will deceive people, and how in every way he’ll imitate Christ. The Antichrist is a pretended/counterfeit word, opposite of Christ, who is the true Word. Antichrist teachings are a different Gospel, which Paul warns the church against. So, this Antichrist will be preaching a “gospel,” but it is not the same gospel that Paul and the apostles taught. 

The Antichrist impersonates Christ in every way. He has pretended wisdom (the wisdom of man), pretended truth, pretended morals and counterfeit virtues. The word describes these Antichrists as those who have a form of godliness but deny the power. Satan’s plan is to deceive the saints by an appearance of holiness. The Antichrist spirit is in those in the church who pretend to be holy and deceive with a false doctrine. John the Revelator said that the Antichrist spirit comes from amongst us. 

The Lord warns us that only those who endure until the end will be saved. So, if we are going to just fly away, then what is there to endure? People who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture are not those who will “endure till the end.” The tribulation is for the perfecting of the saints to prepare them for the glory. If you’re not pressing into the Word, you won’t be able to withstand what is coming.

In the book of Revelation, it says there is a destroying angel that is released. Abaddon is going to be let loose to cause separation. The name Abaddon means to “break off the branch.” Jesus said, “I am the Vine, and you are the branches.” The Lord told me years ago that Abaddon was being released, and after I prophesied that we saw the rise of Antifa and BLM, causing a massive racial divide. That is what that spirit does - it causes division. 

The purpose of the tribulation that is caused by this destroying angel is to bring deception. We are living in a time where truth is being attacked and suppressed like no other time before. There is a fight for the truth, and we need to wake up as many people as we can to bring this truth out. If we don’t get the truth out, this country is going to go through some extremely hard times. 

The fallen angel Abaddon is in charge of the bottomless pit. If you were to do a study on the bottomless pit, it is a place of darkness where there is no ability to receive revelation. Jesus asked the Pharisees if their sheep or donkey fell into the pit, would they not work to pull it out? That is what we should be doing, pulling people out of the pit, getting them out of the darkness of ignorance. 

In the Torah there is a commandment that if the high priest were to ever tear his garment, not only would he die, but would release wrath on the whole nation. When Caiaphas tore his garment it released that spirit of Abaddon, it released wrath on the whole nation. The Temple was destroyed, and the people were dispersed. The garment of the high priest speaks of righteousness.

The end of the age is likened to giving birth. We need to focus on birthing out what God has given us. We need to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Pressing into the glory is pivotal for us as intercessors. The only remedy for this country is the glory to manifest on the Earth. Amen


Apostle Michael Petro



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