Fire and Redemption Pt. 6


Currently Russia is invading Ukraine and we are witnessing prophecy being fulfilled. In 2015, we did a video explaining a 200-year-old prophecy by Vilna Gaon. He prophesied that when Russia were to invade Ukraine the steps of the Messiah would be heard. Vilna Gaon was a mystic who emphasized the spiritual interpretation of the Torah. 

The church today teaches that “no man knows the day and hour,” thinking that Scripture pertains to the second coming of Christ, but the early church taught that it had more to do with Christ’s return in His saints. In 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Paul taught that when Christ comes, He will be glorified in His saints. Malachi says that suddenly (in Hebrew “suddenly” means “in a moment of a twinkling of an eye”) enter His temple. You’re the temple of God. The Lord is going to return in the remnant first in glory. The third temple is not about what they build in Jerusalem; you are the third temple. 

In Daniel 9 it was prophesied that the seven weeks being the time frame to when Jerusalem would be restored. Seven days multiplied by seven weeks adds up to 49 - that is a Schmita, which leads to Jubilee. There is a 49-year time frame that is revealing what will happen, and actually what has already come to pass.


On June 7th 1967, Jerusalem was restored and began to be rebuilt in troublesome times. If you multiply 49 prophetic years to a Jewish year (which is 360 days according to the lunar calendar) you will get 17,640 days. When you add those days from June 7th 1967, it will take you to September 23, 2015, which was Yom Kippur. This was when the tetrad blood red moons occurred on the Lord’s feast. Jesus said two thousand years ago that He was coming soon, or shortly. This means that “shortly” to Jesus has a whole other meaning that we need to understand. 


This brings me to Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel’s ten Jubilee prophecy. He lived in 1275 and prophesied that Jerusalem would be captured and for eight Jubilees, which is 400 years. Four hundred years from 1517 brings us to 1917 which is when General Allenby took Jerusalem. This happened on Hanukkah in 1917. God’s feasts are not done away with and God is still doing things on His feast days to mark time for those who are paying attention. The League of Nations, before they were called the United Nations, voted that Jerusalem would be a no man’s land.

If God can speak to people to show the accuracy of when He will do things, then we should be able to hear from the Lord with the same type of accuracy. He reveals his plan to the righteous but not to the wicked. He only opens to those who are pure in their heart and have spiritual understanding. 


For the next 50 years Jerusalem was considered no man’s land. Another 50 years later, in 1967,  the Six Day War took place and Jerusalem was restored to Israel. The next 50 years takes us to 2017. In 2017, another major biblical prophecy occurred when the first red heifer in the last two thousand years was birthed. The Jews know that the third temple cannot be dedicated and restored until there is a red heifer as the red heifer is needed in order to dedicate the temple. They say that either Elijah or the Messiah would come to slay this final red heifer. The physical red heifer isn’t the important part; it’s only symbolic of the completion of the remnant who are a people that have died to self to come into the fullness of God’s glory.


The sign of the tetrad blood red moons have also occurred on very significant dates. This occurred when Christ was crucified, also with a sackcloth moon. This occurred around 1967 when Jerusalem was captured and also between 2014-2015, all on feast days. All these signs are telling us how close we are to the end, to the return of the Messiah. In 2015, I told my people we are entering a transition where the Lord is going to start getting the church ready for what’s coming. These teachings were all preparation for us to be ready because the footsteps of the Messiah are being heard. He is close. We need to live everyday like it is our last. Amen. 



Apostle Michael Petro



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