Anointing Fire

The most powerful thing you can carry is the anointing of God. It has the ability to transform and change you and it has the power to affect others around you. The anointing is meant to increase in you as you grow in the revelation of the Word. In Revelation 1:20, the church is compared to the menorah. We know that in the temple, the high priests filled the menorah with anointing oil every day. This still happens in the spirit realm - every time the Lord anoints us, He imparts more of Himself into us. 


The Lord has continued to show me more about the anointing through early church teachings. The anointing that we have within is exactly what we need to become renewed. You need to understand and grasp the fact that you were created to bring heaven to earth. When you can grasp what the anointing is and how to use it, you will understand that nothing is impossible. Scripture tells us that with God all things are possible so there is no issue in your life that the anointing cannot cure. 


We have read Ignatius, who was the disciple of the Apostle John, explain how the anointing is the doctrine of the Lord. Matthew 13 tells us that the Lord’s doctrine are the secrets of the kingdom. In the Constitution of the Apostles, we are instructed to prepare ourselves for our exit. The Word says that tomorrow is not promised. The way we prepare ourselves is by storing up divine doctrine. Ignatius, Origen, St. Basil and many other early church apostles all taught that the anointing is symbolic of the secret teachings. 


The anointing oil was kept in the Holy of Holies. The anointing oil was also veiled. To understand the anointing you need a revelation (apocalypse), or a removal of the veil. The mystery of the oil was only revealed to those high priests who had access behind the veil. Many denominations teach that there are no more mysteries, but the early church taught about the mystery of the anointing oil that was not known by all. 


The anointing oil was lost for 600 years before Christ came. The Jews knew that when the Messiah would come, He would bring back and restore the anointing oil. How did Christ do that? In Matthew 13, it says that Jesus explained the mystery of the kingdom to the apostles, but to the public He taught only in parables. The Jews also understood and taught that the secret teachings of the anointing were not public knowledge, but were only for the few. 


The anointing, as taught by the early church, has the ability to wash your soul. We must be on guard with our soul. Anointed teachings cleanse the soul and create such a beauty that Satan and his demons seek to defile it all the more. I used to date this girl who was a beauty pageant winner and I learned that with that type of beauty I had to be on guard. I even had to keep an eye on personal friends of mine because men were so drawn to her beauty. This is how Satan sees a soul that is rendered beautiful because it has been anointed with the fragrance of divine teaching.


The book of Enoch teaches that Michael the archangel removed the earthly garments that Enoch wore and anointed Enoch with a glorified body. I just got a word from Brother Parker, who was part of the 1950’s revival, that the archangel Michael has been released to us to help us with this next season. Margaret Barker,  a theologian from Cambridge who studies the early church and temple studies, wrote extensively on the anointing oil as well. Her work has touched me and others in this ministry. 


There is no more time to waste. We don’t want to be like those foolish virgins who did not have oil to meet the Bridegroom. The bride has to make herself ready. Amen. 



Apostle Michael Petro


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