Anointing Fire Pt. 2

There is a fight for the truth right now. Currently in the secular realm we see a lot of fake news which is really just a reflection of the spread of misinformation going on in the church system. There is a major shift that is occurring, and we need to be ready for this shift. The pattern of old denominations arguing with new revelation has always been there. It is the old wine skin that cannot receive the new wine. We need to bear fruit - that is what the Lord is looking for when He returns. In 1 Peter 2:9, the Lord calls us a royal priesthood, but to become part of the priesthood you have to go through a washing process. Why do most denominations teach that the priesthood is not important or relevant in our times, saying it has nothing to do with us, when in the early church the apostles taught that the priesthood of the Old Testament was a shadow of what we are supposed to be? We are meant to be endowed with the priestly garments. When Paul talks about putting on the armor of G...