The High Priesthood

The Last Move of God This last move of God that I feel is going to explode shortly begins with holiness and righteousness. We are going to cross over a point where there is no going back. But in order to cross over, we must change from our old ways. We don’t want to be like the Hebrews in the wilderness who would not change and for that reason, the Lord did not allow them to cross over into the land of promise but instead, kept them in the wilderness. 

Barnabas talks about how we are to sanctify the day with clean hands and a pure heart. The day, of which he speaks, is the true Sabbath rest which is the millennial kingdom or, the thousand-year rule and reign of Christ. We cannot enter that seventh day unless our heart, which is our conscience, has been made pure before God. It follows that our works must be purified and cleansed before God as well. The Lord is looking for a transformation in our walk; a transformation in everything that we think, say and do. It all must be sanctified before the Lord.


The Apostle and Prophet

The Lord is going to run the church at the end the same way He had established it in the beginning. The Lord had originally intended for the apostles and prophets to oversee His church. The apostles and prophets were the ones God had ordained to govern the church, but today most churches have done away with these two essential offices and instead, have put in place pastors to oversee their churches. Nowhere in the bible does God say that He was going to do away with the office of the apostle and prophet and implement pastors in their place to oversee the church. 


In order to operate in the office of the apostle or prophet, you had to have been endued with the charismata, which are the gifts of the spirit. The charismata are necessary in order to fulfil and operate in the apostolic and prophetic offices. There are some who teach that the gifts of the spirit are no longer in existence in the church and that it was only for that particular period of time. These people believe that healing is of the devil, that dancing is of the devil, and even deliverance is of the devil. They just believe that everything is of the devil!  They seem to give more glory to Satan than they do to God. They claim that the operations of the charismata are really lying signs and wonders. Interestingly enough, the Pharisees  had accused Jesus of casting out demons by Beelzebub too. 

False Prophets


There is an early church manuscript called the Shepherd of Hermas, and in these writings, Hermes states that there were over 40 apostles operating in the church during his time. Hermas also warns in these writings about the false prophets that come to give people “prophetic words” based on the people's desires and that they give these words solely for a profit. They ask you for money and other things in order for you to receive a word from them. The bible calls these types of prophets “hirelings”.  


Hippolytus, who was from the third century, said that at the end, God will not leave the church without prophets but will send them to the church for instruction and assurance and that they would warn us against the deception of the Antichrist. The early church knew there had to be apostles and prophets until the end and yet, we have whole denominations that do not believe in these offices. This is dangerous ground because these denominations cannot be prepared if they do not believe in these offices. Although the church has changed, God has not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Carriers of God’s Presence


This life is not important. God has called us to fulfill the offices of the apostle and prophet. He wants us to become a habitation for His presence and we need apostles and prophets to help get us ready so that we in turn can help others get ready as well.

There is a story about Smith Wigglesworth who was used powerfully by God for the work of ministry. Smith Wigglesworth would be riding the train and people from all walks of life would come up to him saying they felt convicted and would start repenting to him all because of the presence of God that he carried. 

That is ultimately what we have been called to do, to become the carriers of His presence. Why would you want anything else? What does this world have to offer that is better than this? Get a revelation of who you really are. Amen. 



Apostle Michael Petro


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