The Last Days

We have come to the end of days. In the last days, the scriptures say there will be many who no longer put up with sound doctrine, which is the doctrine of the early church. The word says that instead, many will turn to the doctrines of demons. God is done with people whose hearts are not for the kingdom of God but prefer to pursue the things of this world. The Lord is going to start cleaning house. The Lord told me weeks ago, that He is going to start pruning the vine of the people in the church who are not serious about their faith in Christ.

The Lord is raising up a young generation now for His final move, for the final harvest of the nations. He’s done with the people that come to church solely to find a husband or a wife instead of coming to get married to Christ! Church is not a social club; it is to be a place of holiness. We are not here to play church; we are here to get ourselves ready. You are all going to see the judges who the Lord will put into position for the final move.

The early church eschatology was based on a Sabbath Millennial. The Scriptures say that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day (Psalms 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8). It was understood and taught that the kingdom age would start after six thousand years. It has been six thousand years from Adam until now so we are coming into the Sabbath day or the Millennial Kingdom (Revelations 20:1-6). Papias (a disciple of the Apostle John), Barnabas, Commodianus, Victorinus, Lactantius, Tertullian, and Hippolytus all taught extensively about this end-time eschatology.

I’m going to tell you that Tim Lahaye got it wrong with his "Left Behind" series. The word “remnant” means to be left behind. Jesus said that at His second coming it would be like the days of Noah. In Matthew 24 you read that one person remains and another person is removed or taken away. In the context of what Jesus was saying concerning the days of Noah, the wicked are the ones who are removed. In the flood, the wicked were the ones who were taken away and only righteous Noah and his family remained.

For the day of the Lord to come, the falling away must come first. This falling away is the church that falls away from the truth. It is not the world that falls away since the world never knew the truth, so they could never fall away from it. We see how the church today has fallen away from the truth. The Scriptures prophecy about the church no longer putting up with sound doctrine, but instead believing in the doctrines of demons and no longer having a love for the truth.

Paul warns the church about falling away from God as the Hebrews did in the wilderness when their hearts were hardened. Those who fall away from the truth will not enter the rest, which is the Millennial Kingdom. An evil heart is one that is filled with disbelief. Disbelievers are those who hear the word but do not die to themselves, they don’t walk out the word of God, they are not the doers of the word. Disbelievers are the sons of perdition.

Peter instructs the church to purify themselves in preparation for the end and prophesies that there will be scoffers who walk according to their own lusts. A “scoffer” in Greek speaks of a false teacher. All these religious people that refuse to grow, change and transform are going to be left in the wilderness. The ones getting across are the ones that think the same which is the younger generation.

You are here because God wants to use you for the last move of God. He wants you to be part of the remnant class to bring in the final harvest. However, whether that happens is up to you. It is your choice whether you want to pay the price. Jesus was not trying to reach everybody. Jesus actually lost more people than he gained. On one occasion, Jesus preached and lost five thousand people. On another occasion, He lost three thousand people. On the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts, there were only 120 people in the upper room. That is considered a remnant since out of the whole of Israel, and then out of the nine thousand that followed Jesus, what was left were only a hundred and twenty people in that upper room.

According to the end-time eschatology of the early church, it is Elijah who comes to raise up the remnant. Here is a question we need to be asking ourselves. Are we sold out for the things of God? We are running out of time and the door is going to be shut very soon. Choose today whom you will serve. Amen.

Michael Petro






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