The Sons of Light

Revival doesn’t start with a movement; it starts in our hearts. If there's not a fire in our hearts then something is wrong. When we have sin in our lives, and the cares of the world, the fire won’t be there. One of the ways that we catch that fire in our heart is through the process of revelation. The Lord wants to take us through the veil, into the Holy of Holies. That’s the baptism of fire. When the revelation is released, it catches you on fire. The revelation of God’s Word can bring that fire to bring true revival. 

When you see an all-black, all-Hispanic, all-Asian, or all-white church, God is not there. Church is not meant to be a social club! When you go to a church and all the races are mixed then you know it’s a revival and God is in their midst. Only a move of God can bring people together from all different backgrounds because His truth brings people together. We’re in a season where there is a major transition happening. All the early church fathers taught about our time; they taught that at the end of the six thousand years the Lord would bring His glory. The Lord is going to bypass those who are religious - He is looking for sons and daughters. 


Scripture is very clear that none of us would be ready when it says the virgins were all asleep (Matt. 25). The virgins are symbolic of the church that are betrothed to the Lord, not to the world. We are not married to Jesus yet because the marriage takes place at consummation. There must come a Word that has never been heard before, an intercourse in the Spirit realm for Jesus and His Bride (since the seed is the Word). The sleeping church is symbolic of a church that isn’t ready and doesn’t know what time it is. If you're asleep, a robber could come into your house and steal anything they’d like because you slept through the whole thing. By the time you finally wake up and  realize you were robbed, it's too late. You missed it. We're going to see both the greatest and the most terrifying things to have ever been seen.


We’re moving from an earthly class to a heavenly class. If you want to be used by God you need to be serious - you need to be all in. I hear people who are calling themselves apostles who are not, but a real apostle is one who can remove the veil from the Scripture. There is no such thing as an Old Testament prophet and a New Testament prophet. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and His prophets are the same too. The job of the prophet was to rebuke those who didn’t want to change. The prophets weren’t sent to tell you that God wants to give you a big house, a new car, a new job, and a better life. God’s true prophets were never sent to tickle the people’s ears and tell them what they wanted to hear. The true prophets are here to rebuke the church for departing from sound doctrine, bring correction through right teaching, and to reveal God’s plan in the Earth. 


The job of the apostle is to reveal Jesus so that He can be imparted into the souls of the people. The soul is only edified by revelation, while the letter only builds the flesh. Jesus said at the end of the age that people are going to want to have teachers who teach them what their flesh wants (2 Tim. 4:3). I’m not here for that. I’m here to reveal Christ to your inner man and to kill those fleshly desires. When Jesus is revealed to your soul then you become more and more like Christ. 


If this message hurts, then that’s a good thing. Hebrews 12:6 says the Lord chastens those whom He loves, so let’s thank the Lord for chastening us. The Lord right now is awakening the sleeping church. What we’re seeing right now in the nations is a power play with everything pointing to how the end is here. The Lord is looking for the righteous. When Abraham spoke to God about Sodom and Gomorrah, he asked the Lord if He would spare the city if there were just ten righteous (Gen. 18:32) and God would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there were just a few righteous. The reason that the city was destroyed was because of the ignorance and laziness of God’s children. If we’re not getting ready or taking the revelation seriously then it will be our fault because of the cares of the world. If we get ready, then we can save this world. 


Jesus Himself said that on Judgement Day, Sodom and Gomorrah would be a swift witness against us, because if they had heard these teachings, they would have repented. The church needs to not waste it’s time with the oil. You need to ask yourselves, are you the wise or are you the foolish? Are you living for the world or for Jesus?  



Apostle Michael Petro



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