Answer to Deification



We're coming to a point where God is testing us. We are being tested every second of every day, to see what our priorities are. Are we more concerned about the cares of the world or are we focused on the kingdom and getting ourselves ready? God wants to reveal His glory, but what will that look like? Many who talk about the glory often talk about a feeling of “goosebumps” and they think it’s the glory, but when you read your Bibles, every experience someone had with the glory was a terrifying experience. A great example of this is when Moses came off Mt. Sinai glowing and millions of people ran the other direction, and that glory was but a glory that would fade away (Exo. 34).


In Genesis we read how the days of creation are laid out, and on the sixth day God created man. God has different names, but in Genesis when it says that “God” created the heavens and the Earth and made man, the word for “God” is “Elohiym.” He created man in His image. It says that God “formed” man, which in Hebrew speaks of a “pressing, squeezing into shape” which means God forms his divine image in us through tribulation. Jesus said that trials and tribulations would come because of the Word’s sake (Mark 4:17). The Word comes through intense pressure and tribulation. 


The battle for the Word and to have His image pressed into us has everything to do with our soul. The spirit is masculine, while the soul is feminine. Eve represents your soul. When your soul is attracted to something, your soul will then offer it to your spirit man, whether good or bad. When your soul is attracted to the lust of the flesh and you cannot control it, that’s because you have the mark of the beast. God said that His people “might see that they are the beast” (Ecclesiastes 3:18).


When your soul is not married to Christ, it is married to the beast. The more you press into Christ, the more you kill the old man along with his deeds. The more you press into killing the flesh, the more the revelation can bring a change where those old habits, old attitudes, and fleshly desires start to fade away. When you walk in the spirit, in the ruach, you’re walking in the cool of the day. You’re walking in the prophetic war-like spirit that carries the moral character of God. When you struggle with an unsanctified mind it is the engrafted Word that is needed to cleanse you. Your mind is the Holy of Holies, and if it’s not cleansed, God cannot dwell there. The unregenerated mind is always thinking about the cares of this world, and earthly things, but the regenerated mind thinks on things above (Col.3:2). 


When God released the manna, it was to test the people’s obedience to Him. God is testing us now to see if He is our priority. When we wake up, are we pressing into His Word or do we have other priorities? Those who say they don’t have time are just making excuses. I used to wake up at 4 AM before I went to work to spend time with the Lord. That is how I started most of my days, and when I did that I ended up having a very successful day. The days I didn’t get up early to spend time with the Father ended up being unfruitful. That time I spent with the Lord was NOT out of motivation to make money, but the success and finances that I received were the result of the Lord being my main focus and desire.


We are coming up on the fall feasts - the Feast of Atonement was when God purified His temple with fire. We know that the temple is only symbolic of you and I (1 Cor. 3:16). When the glory of God came on the Temple of Solomon it came with a cloud at first followed by fire. Clouds hold rain - the song of Moses says, “Let my revelation fall as the rain” (Deut. 32:2). The fire comes after to finally consume the temple of God. 


On the day of Pentecost, the fire came down on the minds of the apostles. During worship I heard the Lord speak to me and say, “Now I have a people who can receive the fire that I will pour out.” We're on the verge of the final release of fire; that fire is going to bring the glory of God into His temple. That is where the Lord wants to take you. Many pastors say that no one can touch God’s glory, but Moses was covered in it. To deify means to be like God, or to become a god. In John 10:34, Jesus said, “Does not your own law say you are gods?” So, why is it so hard to accept for us as Christians? We are made in God’s image, in the image of Elohiym. That is our inner man. As the glory of the revelation is being imparted into us, our inner man is being strengthened. 


Becoming deified has to do with all of us. We’re all meant to walk into that, being made in His image. Being deified has everything to do with becoming one with God. Jesus said in that day He would be in the Father and we would be in Him (John 14:20). We cannot do that unless we are willing to kill the flesh, and if we aren’t willing, we will never see what God has for us. I promise you the more you kill those desires, the more Christ will become your sole desire. You’ll be surprised how fast you change as you press into the Lord. Amen. 



Michael Petro


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