The Sons of Light

Revival doesn’t start with a movement; it starts in our hearts. If there's not a fire in our hearts then something is wrong. When we have sin in our lives, and the cares of the world, the fire won’t be there. One of the ways that we catch that fire in our heart is through the process of revelation. The Lord wants to take us through the veil, into the Holy of Holies. That’s the baptism of fire. When the revelation is released, it catches you on fire. The revelation of God’s Word can bring that fire to bring true revival. When you see an all-black, all-Hispanic, all-Asian, or all-white church, God is not there. Church is not meant to be a social club! When you go to a church and all the races are mixed then you know it’s a revival and God is in their midst. Only a move of God can bring people together from all different backgrounds because His truth brings people together. We’re in a season where there is a major transition happening. All the early church fathers taught about our t...