Hedged In


The Lord is going to reveal something to this generation that on one has ever seen before. We are the Joshua generation, and will manifest as the sons of God. Christ will manifest Himself through this Joshua generation. According to 1 Cor. 2:7, the mysteries were ordained for our glory. So, we cannot enter into the glory until the mysteries of the Word are fully revealed. The things that were written in the Old Testament are a foreshadowing of what will happen at the end. Most can’t see the shift that is happening before us because most people are veiled. Paul says that if our Gospel is veiled, it’s veiled to those who are perishing (2 Cor. 4:3). This means that those who are veiled to the true meaning of Scripture are not really saved. The Lord is really only looking for those who want to have a relationship with Him. Those who prefer old time religion are the ones who will miss out. 


The Hebrews murmuring about the manna they were receiving in the wilderness was just a foreshadowing of how it will be at the end of the age. What happened then is happening again now. People murmur and complain when they hear the teachings of the Spirit - they want to go back to the fleshy teachings, back to that old Egyptian food. Paul prophesied that would happen - he wrote that people would no longer put up with sound doctrine at the end (2 Tim. 4:3). It’s just like the Hebrews who were being set free, but instead of being set free they just complained about the manna (spiritual food) they were receiving. 


It’s time that we understand the seriousness of lust. Lust is not just speaking about sexual appetites. It speaks of anything that you desire more than being with God and anything that you put before God.  The nature of the beast is always about self and about taking. The opposite of that is the nature of God which is selfless and always wanting to give. You can tell by inspecting your soul which nature you have. You don’t need me to tell you because you should be able to easily see it in yourself. The soul speaks of a place of appetite, the seat of emotions, and passion. 

Your soul is about your belief system. Ask yourself if you need to deal with issues in your soul - inspect yourself to see if there is anything that is not of God. If you were to die with those “holes” in your soul, which speaks of sin, you’re not going to make it. Tomorrow is never promised to us. Don’t wait...deal with it now before it’s too late. 


When the Hebrews went out to gather the manna, Scripture says that they had to beat it. If you study the Hebrew word for bread, it means to beat or to fight to knead the bread. So, there is a fight with the Word. The Word of God is supposed to beat us. It’s supposed to beat out all the holes (all the sin) out of our lives. The Word says that the Lord wounds and He heals and that He chastises those whom He loves (Heb. 12:6). 


In the Spirit, the Word in us is beaten into dust to make a paste, called mortar. That’s what is really being said in Hebrew about how you prepare the manna. That mortar is to cover up the holes in our lives. It’s atones for all sin, which is really ignorance of truth. The process we go through with the manna is a process of covering. It’s a process of atonement to get rid of the sin in our lives. 


Jesus said that He will give some of the hidden manna to those who overcome. We know that the manna is in the ark, and the ark is in the Holy of Holies. Paul says that Jesus made a better way for us to go through the veil that it is the flesh. So, what the manna does is it helps us overcome the fleshly veils. The more you eat the manna, the more you start to become like Jesus, and the more you’re able to overcome the flesh just like He did. 


The Lord is telling us of the judgment that is coming at the end of the age because His people do not want to eat the manna anymore and instead want fleshly teaching. That is the season we are in right now. God is going to release His wrath on those who are indulging in the flesh. God is cutting off people who do not want the manna and choose to go back to the flesh. When the people asked for flesh in the wilderness, God gave it to them, and Scripture says that as soon as it went into their mouths His wrath came upon them. 


Now is the time to understand the testings of the Lord. Those who don’t want to pay the price and don’t want to listen are going to be pruned so that unity can come forth among the true remnant. We are weeks away from everything shifting. This word is for you: buy the oil while you still have the time. Amen.



Michael Petro


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