Full Redemption

Most Christians think they’ll be fully redeemed when they go to heaven. However, when Paul writes about the great faith hall of fame, he tells us, “And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise” (Hebrews 11:39). These fathers of the faith are in heaven but they are still waiting for the promise to come. At this moment, the church has been so asleep to the shift that is right in front of us that we could miss it if we’re not awake to what God is doing. 

Apostle Paul also says in Romans that the church will be veiled to unrighteousness at the end. The apocalypse is all about the church becoming awake to what God is doing. The veiled mind is the carnal mind, and Scripture tells us that the carnal mind is at war with God (Romans 8:7). The biggest problem in the church is that people are blind and asleep to what God is doing. Part of the reason they’re asleep is because they’re suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. In a lot of ways the current church is just like the religious leaders in the time of Jesus - they had the key knowledge but did not enter in and now are preventing others (Luke 11:52). 

The prophet Isaiah speaks about the remnant that will be given a crown of glory. That is not for everyone; the remnant will be the only ones who will receive this crown of glory. The word remnant in Hebrew (she’ar) means “to be left behind.” Isaiah prophesies about the end of the age and who will attain that crown of glory. The remnant are those who have been weaned from the milk and understand the meat of the Word. They are the ones who will receive the knowledge of the glory of God. Paul rebuked the church in Corinth for still being carnal and in need of milk. Paul wasn’t able to teach them the mysteries of the kingdom, which are given to the perfect or mature. The remnant are those who are mature in their understanding. They have eyes to see the mysteries of the kingdom, the hidden wisdom of God which was ordained for our glory (1 Cor. 2:7). 

The remnant will also escape the evil coming at the end and will be deeply rooted and bearing much fruit. Is the Word of God deeply rooted in you? Jesus said that when trials and tribulations come for the Word’s sake, they quickly depart (Mark 4:17) since the Word is not deeply rooted in them. It was prophesied in Zechariah that the seed of the remnant would be prosperous. The seed is the Word that will make them prosperous and bear much fruit in their lives. The elect will possess the inheritance of Abraham. Clearly we can’t do that if we’re going to just fly away one day like the rapture theology teaches. The remnant are those who will stay behind and reap the inheritance. 

Jesus said as in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. “They” were eating and drinking until the flood came and took them all away (Matthew 24:39). Who was the “they?” This refers to the wicked; “they” were the ones who were taken away in the flood. Jesus said that there would be two in a field and one would be taken. Who was taken away? The wicked were taken. We see this again in the parable of the wheat and the tares. The tares were removed first, while the wheat remained, or was left behind (Matthew 34:37-42). 

The real remnant are those in the church who are willing to stand up for the truth. Those who are willing to die with Christ are those who will rise with Him (Romans 6:8). The revelation is what kills the old man along with its deeds. The revelation brings tribulation to test us to see if we believe. Once we get past the test we get to go on the next revelation, which means going on to the next tribulation. So, if there is going to be a great tribulation that means there’s going to be a great revelation and we need to press through to be worthy to receive it. 

Scripture says that on the seventh day God rested from all His works. It doesn’t say that man rested - it says God rested. Why is God resting from His works? It is because the remnant is going to finish the work, and God is going to do it through us. Paul said let this same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus that considered it not robbery to be equal with God (Phil. 2:6). There are people starting to understand who they were created to be. Satan will tell you what you can’t be. Religion will tell you can’t touch God’s glory, but Moses was covered in it. God’s children will be clothed in that glory. You can go back and look like the Roman Catholics, look like the Protestants, look like the Evangelicals, look like the Pentecostals but I just want to look like Jesus. 

Very simple question...What do you look like? Humility speaks of people who know they’re not right. The Lord is coming back for the humble, which are those who are willing to learn. Amen. 

Apostle Michael Petro


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