Passover 2021 and the Final Move of God

As the congregation gathered for Passover, there was a tangible presence of the Lord in worship. But even in the midst of it, the Lord was telling me that some are still holding onto a spirit of pride and it’s time to let it go. The Lord wants that spirit killed now. Too many are sitting back to observe, worried about what they’re going to look like, but this is not the time to spectate. This is the time to enter in. There was a heavy anointing for healing as almost every person rushed to the front. Many were slain in the Spirit and many cried out in travail. The spirit of revival began to break out. The Lord told me that He is releasing a new anointing for this season, but we have to learn to be sensitive to the Spirit of God. The Lord will pass by those who won’t humble themselves to enter in. The days of pride and the carnal mind are over. It’s time to enter in to the Spirit of Yah.

As the presence intensified, some were crying, some were repenting, some were soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Some started to experience what can only be described as bursts of the Holy Spirit which include an involuntary shaking and twitching. This type of manifestation was seen at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida from 1995-2000, as a precursor to healing and deliverance. Millions of people came to enter in to what the Lord was doing at that time.

I warned the congregation not to judge what God is doing. This is the final move of God and the Lord won’t tolerate a spirit of disbelief. He’ll drop a curse on those who are judging and resisting what He’s trying to do. We need to realize that God doesn’t move in our package or how we want Him to move. I know what revival looks like and this is it. It will only become more intense as we draw closer to the glory. It’s time to step in with full anticipation and expectation that the Lord is only going to turn up the heat from here.

Soon, meetings will go all night. It happened in past revivals and it’s about to happen again. The presence of God will be so heavy that everyone will want to stay through the night and into the morning hours - we need to be ready for that type of outpouring because it’s coming soon. This final move of God won’t be blocked or stopped by anyone. I pray that we understand the seriousness of the day that we are in and that the death angel will pass over each and every one of us today. This is the season for the Lord’s complete desire to be fulfilled through us – we have to open our eyes and ears today.

Today’s message is on the last move of God – I know we have already stepped in. After the message, I asked sister Ana to come up and close us in prayer. Immediately, spiritual travail hit again. The power hit me and I almost went to my knees. Several of the sisters in the church have been experiencing this manifestation of the Spirit – I know this is a sign that the final move of God is about to bust wide open. I asked those who want to receive the anointing that has hit Ana to please come forward, and again, almost every person did. As the final move of God begins to unfold, I’m not expecting millions of souls to come; I’m expecting billions.

The atmosphere intensified as many were touched. Ana, moving in the spirit, laid her hands on every person who wanted to receive. As the body cried out, there began to be a birthing in the Spirit. There was a lot of deliverance that took place in this moment as many let go of pride and other spirits that were hindering them from entering in. There was a birthing that took place as the body received and pushed through. I thank the Lord that He has opened a fresh touch of His presence on Passover. As powerful as this was, I also know that it’s only the beginning. Now it’s up to each one of us to dive in with full surrender to what the Lord wants to do through us as the containers of His glory. The manifested sons are about to step forward.

Apostle Michael Petro


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