The Final Sifting

The enemy knows what’s coming and he’s pulling out all the stops. This is not a time to be lax or let down in any way. This is a crucial time where our intercession really needs to be on point.

 We need to remember that the Early Church was a family, even to death. Many of Polycarp’s spiritual sons died for him. They had such a strong belief in what Polycarp was teaching that they were willing to give their lives – how many would be willing to do that today? In today’s church many will say one thing to your face and do another behind your back. Jesus talked about being persecuted for his name’s sake and that persecution can come from within the church and from those who should be our brothers and sisters.

We are in a serious time. Freedom of speech is being lost and the government is beyond corrupt. The election was stolen and the proof is there; it’s all going to come out. There is a violent spirit within the democratic party – they know they’re about to be busted. People in Biden’s administration are talking about “re-education camps” where they would take Trump supporters and recondition them to a communistic belief system. We know that the Early Church was heavily persecuted for what they were teaching. The persecution only stopped when those apostolic men were martyred and removed.

The oppression of today’s church is inches away at this point...

The Voice of Healing isn’t just about teaching in a deeper way. We are at the tip of the sphere for the final move of God. But those who are unpredictable and unreliable in the ministry are in trouble. The Lord is looking for who He can count on and He’s telling me to get ready to prune the vine.

Where’s the holiness and righteousness in the church? Most Christians believe they can just pray a prayer. People think it’s enough to believe in Jesus but not to believe in His teachings or the teachings of His apostles. We need to get back to a real reverence for the apostles. The Lord has given them the mantle and authority to bind and loose, to literally make a judgment on where a person’s soul will spend eternity. The Lord is showing me that we’re going to be accountable for how we treat our spiritual fathers.

The religious system is vile and I wonder what the Lord thinks of it all. Jesus said we have to forsake all to come after Him (Luke 14:33). In 2. Cor. 6:14, Paul writes, “What does light have in common with darkness?” He’s talking about our fellowship. We are not to have fellowship with darkness.

We’re at a Red Sea moment and I know the Lord will move. I’m sure Moses felt intimidated when he saw an entire nation in slavery but Moses fulfilled the plan of God. We are at this time. It was amazing how God left Moses and the Hebrews at the Red Sea until Pharaoh’s army was right in front of them. The fire of God and the anointing on Moses blocked Pharaoh’s army from harming them. The Hebrews crossed the Red Sea, and the Lord released Pharaoh’s army to come after them. The Lord made them sit there until their enemies were right in front of them. The Lord purposely let Pharaoh’s army to catch up so that he could drown them. We’re in a similar situation now. Sometimes the Lord let’s things get really bad to the point they look almost impossible. The Lord was testing them to see if they had faith, if they trusted and believed Him. But we know the people continued to murmur and complain – they didn’t believe Moses – they lacked faith.

I understand how Moses felt. It doesn’t matter how much you show people truth. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had visitations from God. God showed His power through Moses but they still didn’t believe him. Moses was God’s trumpet, the one God chose to fulfill His divine purpose. I would almost bet none of those people who complained against Moses are in heaven today.

We have to remember that the Lord has given us a very precious gift. There are no churches I’ve seen that are teaching the revelation of Christ. The Lord isn’t just going to let them in – that would go against His Word and the Lord is not a man that He should lie (Num. 29:19).

Biden couldn’t wait to open the borders. He wants to let these children in to be trafficked and sold into slavery. At this point, my mind is in a place to fight this battle. There are so many souls waiting, even so many innocent children. I’m asking the Lord to bring the kingdom, to send me in there to save the kids who have been trafficked. I would put myself whatever position is needed in order to pull just one child out. I know it’s only the few who will see how big this fight is. I can’t go to bed at night and act like it’s all okay. I want the Lord to bring this fight now. I want Him to use me. I don’t want to just wait for the enemy to come to me; I want the Lord to bring him to me – I want this fight now. I pray that you’re in this same mindset and that we’re all in one accord. This battle is upon us and could be any day and we need to be in a continual state of preparedness for when this moment hits.

Apostle Michael Petro


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