The Antichrist

We’re in the midst of a season of change. Both Scripture and the Early Church tell us what is going to happen next in the world. The current church’s end time eschatology is missing an integral key for the end times: the spirit of Elijah which will restore all things. The Early Church was certainly not silent concerning this. Many Early Church Fathers prophesied that Elijah must come to restore the church because of its fallen state, and that without Elijah, not one would be saved. Malachi prophesies this will happen before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5). Scripture says that Elijah would seal the remnant before the time of the Antichrist and would also expose the Antichrist who would come from within the church to deceive the church with false doctrine. 


Why don’t we hear about Elijah’s important end time role in today’s churches? How does the spirit of Elijah fit into modern end time eschatology, such as the rapture? Quite simply, Elijah does not fit into modern end time eschatology...this means something must be off. The church is not where it should be and the priests today are robbing God of His offering. Let’s be clear, money is not the offering. The people are the offering. You are the offering. 


We need to understand the spirit of Antichrist now and where we’re at in the church. Many think that the Antichrist is Joe Biden; people used to think it was Saddam Hussein, or some other figure outside the church. The Bible and Early Church were clear about where the Antichrist would come from and who he would be. Scripture states that the spirit of Antichrist comes out of the church, and those who left the church were not really a part of the church but have the spirit of Antichrist (1 John 2:19). We know that Christ means anointing. The Early Church taught that the anointing is divine teaching, which are the mysteries of the kingdom. 


The spirit of Antichrist manifests through false teachers who come against the mysteries of the Kingdom that Christ taught. Early Church Father Tertullian said that there were pseudo-prophets who were actually operating in the spirit of psychics. They appeared to be preaching Christ but were actually opposing Christ in their teachings. Anything that opposes the truth found solely in Christ is heretical. The Apostle Paul taught that when you are being taught another Jesus other than the one whom Paul preached, you receive another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4). That’s the spirit of the Antichrist. The Apostle Paul also warned us about the Antichrist doing lying signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9). The Early Church furthered warned about that heretical spirit, which operated in their time as well. 


We have over 30,000 different denominations today, all preaching a different Jesus. Not one of these denominations teach what the Early Church taught - instead they’re bringing different gospels under a different spirit. This is why God has to bring the spirit of Elijah to combat that spirit of Antichrist in the church. Why would God bring a harvest to a church that has departed from His truth, a church that has a fragmented and divided message? The remnant is going to be sealed, if not already sealed, and the Antichrist spirit in the church is going to be defeated. Only then can the final harvest come. God is cleaning His house; He is pruning all the vines that are not producing His fruit. It is happening now saints. 



Apostle Michael Petro


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