The 7th Trumpet Has Sounded

We need to remember that no matter how things look or seem, the Lord’s hands are never tied. The Lord told me that everything has already been completed. He took me to Revelation Chapter 11 and highlighted the two witnesses to me; this where the Lord breathes into them and they go into the glory. The 7
th trumpet sounds and the ark is revealed. The Lord is showing me there’s no more waiting. In the midst of what the Lord was showing me, I got a call from Pastor Parker. He and I pray together every morning, sometimes for hours. Without having a chance to tell him what the Lord was showing me, he immediately told me it’s time for Revelation Chapter 11 and that my season has come – it’s time for the glory to be released.

Revelation 3:9 talks about a three-and-a-half-day period. I believe this started on Sunday which puts the end of the three-and-a-half days at the same time as the inauguration. This is a picture of two kingdoms taking position at once, the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. It is time for the resurrected sons to manifest. I was looking at the verses as Pastor Parker spoke to me…

Everything is stepping into the next season…

The Lord told me that while Satan comes in like a flood, the Lord is raising up a standard. In Revelation 11:15, the 7th trumpet sounds as the two witnesses are resurrected. It is all falling into place and we’ll see the glory at a level never seen before.

Only the remnant will be ready to step in and participate. The religious system isn’t moving in the spirit of God. So many new people are coming into our ministry and feeling the presence of God for the first time. The nations are becoming hungry for God’s presence.

At this point, the Lord is showing me that the Great and Terrible Day could hit us at any second and only the remnant will be protected in this. Most people don’t understand the magnitude of what’s coming. This isn’t church as usual: we’ll witness the judgment of countries, states and individuals. Many churches will be judged. There are examples all throughout Scripture of those who didn’t take it seriously, like Sapphira and Ananias who paid with their lives for lying to Peter (Acts 5:4). Miriam and Aaron are another example of God’s wrath – they thought they were at Moses’ level and could just throw their opinions around. It was only through Moses interceding for them so that they could be forgiven by the Lord (Numbers 12:16).

We have a one-world government in place right now. We have a globalist government who are their own gods. The fullness of evil is in the Earth and now God’s kingdom also needs to come into its fullness through the Spirit of Elijah. The consummation of time as we know it is upon us and we are stepping into an eternal realm.

It isn’t just one leader deceiving the whole world. There is a whole network of globalist politicians who are all in together, while very few are standing up for the truth. Most pastors are on the side of the wicked one at this point. They’ve pledged their allegiance to Pope, the demonic entity of Rome.

While the nations and most major religious denominations are in alignment with this false religious leader and religious spirit, the Lord is showing me that this is an Isaiah 46 moment…It’s time for the overthrow of Babylon. The Lord is about to put his kingdom in order. The birth of the man-child is the remnant transforming from the spirit of Elijah into the Christ nature.

Jesus told the woman at the well there is a day coming when the church will worship me in spirit and truth (John 4:3). Spirit and truth are the two witnesses: the spirit is upon the elect to understand the mysteries and truth is Moses which represents the spiritual Torah. This is why I believe the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah, who were also there on the Mountain of Transfiguration. We need to remember it’s the spirit that they carry that’s important, not who they were physically. We’re at the time of the two witnesses and it’s time to cross over.

Apostle Michael Petro


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