
Showing posts from February, 2021
Spiritual Fathers The shift into the Millennial Kingdom is eminent. I believe a lot of things will happen around the upcoming Spring feasts, right around Passover. Doors are opening into TV ministry and we need to pray into next steps. This is a time of pressing in. Some of the final foxes we’re dealing with are going to be dealt with very quickly. We know that trials and tribulations come because of the Word’s sake (Mark 4:17). Opposition is needed in order to grow us up and mature us. When we’re going through the battle, we need to press through more than ever. All this baby stuff about feeling bad for ourselves needs to stop. I’m looking for the seals, the ones who are ready to take on the battle. When Paul was imprisoned and in terrible conditions, he counted it all joy (James 1:2). He knew that the affliction would perfect him. The Early Church knew that without the apostles there was no church. That’s why they guarded the apostles with everything in them. The more the apostles br...
The Christ… It’s time to see who amongst us is a Christ, an anointed one. When you say you are anointed, you are saying you are a Christ - that’s what it means. Peter said that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38) and so if you have the Holy Spirit that means you have been anointed; you are a Christ. It’s religious to think that you can’t be a Christ because Jesus Himself said we can be one with Him as He is one with the Father (John 17:21). All true Christians are anointed, which means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.   The Apostle Paul shows the function of the Holy Spirit by showing us that the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God and reveals mysteries. So, the proof that you are anointed with the Holy Spirit is that you can understand the mysteries of the kingdom. That’s why Jesus said many shall come to Him in that day calling Him Lord and saying, “We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name, but He will say ‘Away from me you workers of ...

The Final Sifting

The enemy knows what’s coming and he’s pulling out all the stops. This is not a time to be lax or let down in any way. This is a crucial time where our intercession really needs to be on point.  We need to remember that the Early Church was a family, even to death. Many of Polycarp’s spiritual sons died for him. They had such a strong belief in what Polycarp was teaching that they were willing to give their lives – how many would be willing to do that today? In today’s church many will say one thing to your face and do another behind your back. Jesus talked about being persecuted for his name’s sake and that persecution can come from within the church and from those who should be our brothers and sisters. We are in a serious time. Freedom of speech is being lost and the government is beyond corrupt. The election was stolen and the proof is there; it’s all going to come out. There is a violent spirit within the democratic party – they know they’re about to be busted. People in Biden...

The Torah

We have been taught that the final harvest has to do with people, but the Early Church taught that the harvest is actually the fruit in our lives. Understanding what that fruit is and how it is produced by the Torah is the foundation for the final move of God. The Early Church’s understanding of fruit goes against modern day church’s theology. For one, most churches have thrown out the Torah, and instead teach that Jesus did it all at the cross. Fourth century Early Church Father, Eusebius, speaks about those who have done away with the Torah:   “ Some of the heretics simply deny the Law and the Prophets for the sake of their own doctrine . And under the pretense of grace , they have sunk down to the lowest abyss of perdition .”   This proves that the message, “We’re not under the law - we’re under grace” was not part of the Christian faith and was not believed by the Early Church - it is heresy. That is why I thank God for getting me out of that belief system that would’ve ta...

Pruning The Vine

There are major things happening now. What’s going on in our nation right now is a travesty. Whoever the state chooses to persecute will be persecuted because there will be no one left to stand up or voice the opinion of the people. If the Lord doesn’t shift things soon, our country will become just like China and we’ll be in for a massive season of persecution. The Lord is going to find out who’s real. He’s going to sort out His church and find out who the true remnant is. He’ll find out who will pay the price with everything, including their lives. To be a Christian will mean to give all, just like the Early Church did. This is what is approaching. Anyone standing up for truth will be under immense pressure. The Lord is showing me that the time of the phonies is done – the Lord is saying they were never part of His kingdom. The Lord is showing me that the Great and Terrible Day is the Torah being revealed. As the Torah is unfolding and manifesting, which is God manifesting in us, I c...

The Antichrist

We’re in the midst of a season of change. Both Scripture and the Early Church tell us what is going to happen next in the world. The current church’s end time eschatology is missing an integral key for the end times: the spirit of Elijah which will restore all things. The Early Church was certainly not silent concerning this. Many Early Church Fathers prophesied that Elijah must come to restore the church because of its fallen state, and that without Elijah, not one would be saved. Malachi prophesies this will happen before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5). Scripture says that Elijah would seal the remnant before the time of the Antichrist and would also expose the Antichrist who would come from within the church to deceive the church with false doctrine.    Why don’t we hear about Elijah’s important end time role in today’s churches? How does the spirit of Elijah fit into modern end time eschatology, such as the rapture? Quite simply, Elijah does not fit i...

The 7th Trumpet Has Sounded

We need to remember that no matter how things look or seem, the Lord’s hands are never tied. The Lord told me that everything has already been completed. He took me to Revelation Chapter 11 and highlighted the two witnesses to me; this where the Lord breathes into them and they go into the glory. The 7 th trumpet sounds and the ark is revealed. The Lord is showing me there’s no more waiting. In the midst of what the Lord was showing me, I got a call from Pastor Parker. He and I pray together every morning, sometimes for hours. Without having a chance to tell him what the Lord was showing me, he immediately told me it’s time for Revelation Chapter 11 and that my season has come – it’s time for the glory to be released. Revelation 3:9 talks about a three-and-a-half-day period. I believe this started on Sunday which puts the end of the three-and-a-half days at the same time as the inauguration. This is a picture of two kingdoms taking position at once, the kingdom of light and the kingdo...