Back into the Garden - Victorinus: The Apocalypse Pt. 3

“Back into the Garden”

This is a season to stay in heavy prayer. The harvest is coming and the harvest isn’t people – it’s the fruit that’s in the people. In the second coming the Lord is coming back to look for fruit on His tree which is us—Jesus said if the tree doesn’t bear fruit it is to be cut down.

The 7th trumpet may have already been blown. I can feel the supernatural activity all around me. When the Lord opens the veil for us He’s imparting a living manifestation of Himself - Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. We need to take a hard look at what we’re learning because if our theology isn’t right it means Jesus hasn’t imparted himself into us.

The original creation was the glorified creation, not the creation we see in front of us. Right now the Lord is finishing the six days of creation and we’re stepping into the 7th day. Adam was created on the 6th day and now a glorified man is being created. Now another Adam is being created, which is Christ in us.

The Lord spoke the word “Elijah” to me the other day – he really emphasized “Eli.” In the Old Testament, there was a priest named Eli. In studying “Eli” I learned it means “to ascend” – it is the ascension of Yahweh! Elijah’s mantle is to prepare the Elishas and to ascend with Yahweh.

Acts 1:11 reads, “…" Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." How did he leave? He ascended into the cloud. Now He is ascending again in the revelation - He’s ascending in us. He ascended to the great cloud of witnesses. The word witness is the word martyr; it’s those who have their heads removed. He is ascending in those who are taking their mind off and putting on the mind of Christ. Right now our minds are being unveiled to receive Him in the glory.

The Word is a living person, the person of God manifesting Himself in you. It’s “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). The mystery of God is that He’s ascending in us through the spirit of Elijah. At this point, I can see that things aren’t going back to the same old, same old. The earth is being shaken which means this is a time where many are being set free from spiritual debt.

The Lord raised up Donald Trump for this time as a natural manifestation of what is unfolding in the spiritual realm. We even see it in his name: Donald speaks of a king-priest and his middle name, John, means the mercy of Jehovah. He’s a picture of God’s mercy. Of course, Trump also speaks of the trumpet. He’s a picture of the high priesthood that the Lord is going to use in this final move.

Right now there is a huge battle for The Constitution. The founding fathers had an amazing name for our republic: They called it the Garden of Eden. Even the word constitution means “in the beginning” while the word republic means “the garden.” We’re transitioning back into a republic which is the beginning of the garden. Donald J. Trump is a picture of us going back into the garden. Both the garden and Adam were created on the 6th day. If a day is equal to 1000 years like Peter tells us (2 Pet. 3:8) then it’s time to go back to the garden. We’re about to see the restoration of all things and the end of flesh.

We’re watching biblical prophecy unfold but the church as a whole isn’t where it should be. The church has gotten weaker and there’s a famine in the church for the revelation of the Word. People are running to and fro looking for someone to feed them some bread (truth). Revelation 6:6 talks about the cost of wheat and barley to make bread – in the spirit realm the revelation will be so rare in the end days and obtaining it will cost you everything.

Saints, it’s simple: We’re going back to a republic, we’re going back to the garden. I pray that each of you is prepared for this transition – it will be sudden. With the time you have left, I pray that you buy as much oil as you can. Press into the revelation of the Word and prayer. Let’s press forward to get to the garden together.

Apostle Michael Petro


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