The Time is Now

The Time is Now

The atmosphere is charged with warfare right now and we should be feeling it in the Spirit. While one party is pushing socialism and communism, the true patriots are standing up to fight. As the body of Christ, we should be all the more prepared and determined to come against these opposing forces with everything we have. We need to remember that our lives are not our own. In the Early Church, those who renounced Christ so that their lives would be spared were not welcomed back. The Lord is looking for those who are prepared to battle no matter the cost.

When Elijah met with the prophets of Baal it became a battle for the nation: God’s true prophet facing the false prophets within the corrupt system. Today’s mainstream media have become those false messengers; they’re the prophets of Baal who have an agenda that only exalts the message of Jezebel. It’s a deadly mixture of governmental intimidation and false religion. This false seed is what births the one world government and false religious leader. Yet the church is still asleep, worried about worldly things instead of the eternal. 

The Lord wants us in position. We need to find our place in the things of the Lord. It’s not a time to sit back and wait. The Lord is getting ready to move in His glory and He’s looking for those who are on fire for Him. The Lord will move in such a way that the religious system will be put to shame and all false teaching will be exposed.

We need to be in a place of selflessness, pressing into the revelation for healing so that we can bring that healing to others. The Lord is shifting and moving things in people’s lives to position them for this final move of God, but He isn’t going to compromise and let those in who haven’t prepared or paid a price to be a part of this. The Lord is saying we need to examine our lives in this season to be sure that we’re walking like Christ with pure motives.

The Lord is getting ready to deal with all disbelief in the church. We’re on the verge of a massive shift and the demons are terrified of what’s about to be released. There’s a storm in the spirit: the lighting of revelation versus the winds of false doctrine…this is going into another level of battle. I feel the battle in the heavens. I feel it when I go to bed and when I get up. Just like the media is suppressing the truth, many churches are doing the same. The Lord is going to remove ministries operating in the spirit of man and not the Spirit of God. The Lord is done with the Sauls and is looking for the Davids.

It’s time for the Upper Room - I see that the seals are almost fully open. At the same time, the spirit of Abaddon is out right now. It’s not just a battle for the White House, it’s a battle for the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God will manifest, on Earth as it is in heaven. The Lord is looking for those in one accord so the fire of God can fall. I pray that you all feel the seriousness of this time as the Lord is on the verge of manifesting His glory through His sons, the remnant.

-Apostle Michael Petro


  1. Greetings Pastor Michael,

    I totally hear your message. Thank you for feeding the sheep and for giving me all the Biblical resources I needed to conduct proper exegesis and hermeneutics.

    There is NO pre-tribulation. All the Church Fathers were Amillenialists. We have been in the feast of Tabernacles for 2,000 years or 1,000 years of totality or completeness. We are about to bring and see the best of the feast of Tabernacles; a Great Salvation, Hosannah Rabbah. We are the Gibeonites who will bring the 7 Sons of Saul down (7 wicked principalities). There is NO 1,000 years after that. We will either be in:
    1. The New heavenly Jerusalem,
    2. Paradise (School of Learning the Mysteries),
    3. or the Holy City.

    The Great Apostasy is the tribulation we go through. The tribulation presses our soul in the Holy Unction to prevent us from stumbling and it helps us to endure the temptation of being lured and deceived by the apostasy. Many have already departed from the truth of God's Word. Many so-called worship Christian musicians and singers, prolific Christian authors, long-term Pastors have already fallen away from the Faith. There are many who will soon be further exposed. WE MUST BE EXTRA VIGILANT.

    An example of a no fear of God and severe apostasy: “Joel Osteen celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event. We wonder, why would a real God fearing pastor attend such an event?” He is NOT a pastor whatsoever. He is leading the sheep astray.
    ~Doctrine Forensics

    The apostasy will get much worse than the above example. We must be on our guards so that we will not be tempted to join this deluded saga and we will not drown our soul in this defiled river of abominations.

    The sheep has suffered a great famine of God's Word because of apostate leaders behind the pulpits who have never fed us or barely given us a grain of corn.

    The Apostasy is increasing in the unfaithful and Laodicean churches. This is an indication that the Son of Perdition is about to be revealed in all his filthiness. This also means that the "Catching Away" is not far.
    1. Apostasy
    2. Son of Perdition
    3. Catching Away
    4. The final resurrection of both the righteous and the unbelievers
    5. The return of Christ with the "Raptured" Saints (Clouds)
    6. The Judgement
    7. The wrath of God upon the ungodly.

    The Great Tribulation period will come upon the world, as judgment and a trial of our faith. And when things seem their darkest, the Lord will return in the clouds of Glory (the glorified Saints) after this great tribulation. And He will gather together His Elect children from among the Tares, (one taken, the other left) and all the world shall behold His Glory. And the wicked shall be judged. All on one day, that Last Day, which is at the Last Trumpet. If we truly follow scripture, there can be no doubt that the timing of the Rapture is at the Last Day or the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    2 Thessalonians 1:6-10
    According to the apostle Paul, the punishment of the wicked and the reward of the righteous are to occur simultaneously, immediately following the Second Advent. There are NO separate comings. There is nothing about a secret Rapture. There is no 7 year, 1,000 or 1,007 year gap between the glorification of the saints and the destruction of the wicked. Paul says they occur on the same day ('that Day'), the day Christ returns. Christ comes from heaven to crush His enemies and judge the world. Jesus does not crush the wicked from His earthly throne in Jerusalem, as Premillennialists assert. There will be no wicked people left to populate the earth during the Millennium, and the saints will all have glorified bodies.

    Marie-Brigitte Souci
    Melbourne, Australia.


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