Crossing Over

The Lord spoke to me this morning and said, “Tell my people they are crossing over. Tell my people that those who did not believe are not.” The Lord was showing me the seriousness of the time we are in. He was showing me that there were two types of people in the Bible when it was time to cross over. There were the ones who complained and murmured against the Lord’s servant and then there were the few, the Joshua’s and the Caleb’s, who stood by Moses. Out of all the Israelites that came out of Egypt only a remnant actually crossed over into the Promised Land and it will be the same for our time. 


The Lord is very serious when it comes to how we treat his chosen servants, the Fathers of the faith. The Lord was angry with the ones who complained against Moses. Because they dishonored their spiritual father Moses, it aroused the anger of the Lord and brought a plague on Israel. The end is about separating those who honor their fathers from those who don’t. Malachi prophesied, “And he will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). In the New Testament Jesus said, “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me” (Luke 10:16). By this, we see that it’s not really the fathers you are coming against, it’s the Lord Himself you are rejecting. 


Saints, we’re coming into a huge battle, like nothing anyone has ever seen. In the wilderness, those who couldn’t cross over were the ones who gave a bad report, like the spies did when they went into the Promised Land. They were too afraid to fight those giants. The problem was not the giants, the problem was the way they saw themselves -  they did not know who they were. It is the mature who know who they are. The murmurers and complainers are the ones who did not want to eat the manna, His divine teachings. Instead, they wanted to go back to lazy and complacent Christianity. They wanted to go back to get their ears tickled in Egypt. 


Numbers 14:9 is a NOW word: “Only do not rebel against the LORD, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the LORD is with us. Do not fear them.” The judgment of God is coming for them, for the fallen ones in the Earth. The Lord is stripping the kingdom of darkness and they are going to be taken down by the remnant. 


We need to remember that Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who crossed over, and they took the younger generation with them. Besides Joshua and Caleb, the older generation of their time was rebellious, dishonoring their father Moses, and rejecting God’s manna. Joshua and Caleb were fearless to face those giants - they knew who they were in the Spirit. The manna (hidden Word) gave them the strength to cross over and face those giants knowing and believing the Word of the Lord. We know that “crossing over” also means “to overcome.” Jesus said that he who overcomes will be given a rod to rule the nations” (Revelation 2:26-27). The time to cross over is now as the remnant is stepping into position! Amen. 




Apostle Michael Petro


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