
Showing posts from January, 2021

Crossing Over

The Lord spoke to me this morning and said, “Tell my people they are crossing over. Tell my people that those who did not believe are not.” The Lord was showing me the seriousness of the time we are in. He was showing me that there were two types of people in the Bible when it was time to cross over. There were the ones who complained and murmured against the Lord’s servant and then there were the few, the Joshua’s and the Caleb’s, who stood by Moses. Out of all the Israelites that came out of Egypt only a remnant actually crossed over into the Promised Land and it will be the same for our time.    The Lord is very serious when it comes to how we treat his chosen servants, the Fathers of the faith. The Lord was angry with the ones who complained against Moses. Because they dishonored their spiritual father Moses, it aroused the anger of the Lord and brought a plague on Israel. The end is about separating those who honor their fathers from those who don’t. Malachi prophesied, “...

Back into the Garden - Victorinus: The Apocalypse Pt. 3

“Back into the Garden” This is a season to stay in heavy prayer. The harvest is coming and the harvest isn’t people – it’s the fruit that’s in the people. In the second coming the Lord is coming back to look for fruit on His tree which is us—Jesus said if the tree doesn’t bear fruit it is to be cut down. The 7 th trumpet may have already been blown. I can feel the supernatural activity all around me. When the Lord opens the veil for us He’s imparting a living manifestation of Himself - Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. We need to take a hard look at what we’re learning because if our theology isn’t right it means Jesus hasn’t imparted himself into us. The original creation was the glorified creation, not the creation we see in front of us. Right now the Lord is finishing the six days of creation and we’re stepping into the 7 th day. Adam was created on the 6 th day and now a glorified man is being created. Now another Adam...

Perdition in the Church

During the last month and a half I have been preaching about the end times, the son of perdition, the wrath that will be poured out on the false church and the glory that will be revealed through the remnant. I have made it a point to drive this home so that everyone is prepared and not caught off guard. We need to understand how the church is going to be judged (1 Peter 4:17). We need to know so we can be that sounding trumpet to warn others: our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and those who we know are a part of the religious system...those whom the Word warns will receive the wrath of God if they don’t repent.     Paul prophesied that in the last days people will depart from the faith to follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). We see that today in the church more than ever. People don’t want to hear the truth; they just want their ears tickled. It’s dangerous to receive a different doctrine because if you do, you’re actually receiving a differ...

The Day of Wrath and Revelation

In my Pentecostal upbringing, I was taught that upon Christ’s second coming judgment would be brought upon the world. Yet Scripture is very clear: Judgment will begin first in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17). Jesus also points to the judgment of the church when he says that many shall come to Him in that day confessing Jesus as Lord, prophesying in His name, casting out demons in His name, and doing signs and wonders in His name only to hear Him say, “Away from me you workers of lawlessness for I never knew you (Matt. 7:23).” The Lord began to really highlight these Scriptures to me. We know that no one in the world calls Jesus “Lord,” or casts out demons in His name - He’s not talking to the world; He’s talking to the church.  Jesus is coming to judge these lawless ones that are in the church. Paul says that these lawless ones perform lying signs and wonders, and Jesus Himself even said they’ll be doing it in His name. This is the great falling away of the church , not the world. H...

The Time is Now

The Time is Now The atmosphere is charged with warfare right now and we should be feeling it in the Spirit. While one party is pushing socialism and communism, the true patriots are standing up to fight. As the body of Christ, we should be all the more prepared and determined to come against these opposing forces with everything we have. We need to remember that our lives are not our own. In the Early Church, those who renounced Christ so that their lives would be spared were not welcomed back. The Lord is looking for those who are prepared to battle no matter the cost. When Elijah met with the prophets of Baal it became a battle for the nation: God’s true prophet facing the false prophets within the corrupt system. Today’s mainstream media have become those false messengers; they’re the prophets of Baal who have an agenda that only exalts the message of Jezebel. It’s a deadly mixture of governmental intimidation and false religion. This false seed is what births the one world governm...