
Showing posts from August, 2022

Prophetic Cry

  I warned our church about the vaccine when it came out and told them not to take it. At the time, I didn’t fully understand why but I knew what the Lord was telling me and now we have major confirmations as to why this vaccine is to be avoided.  Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough was on the news speaking about research related to the Covid shot, such as research from Sweden which establishes that the “vaccine” carries mRNA, which can actually change the DNA of a person. This is exactly what happened in Genesis 6 with the fallen angels defiling the daughters of man in creating Nephilim. They sought to corrupt the DNA that God had created. This is prophesied in the book of Genesis when the Lord said to the woman that her seed will be at war with the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). Inside a man’s seed is his DNA and we know Jesus said that the seed is the Word. This fight for DNA is really a battle for the Word.  Jesus said that the e...

The Spirit Versus the Soul

  Something big is getting ready to hit us. There is a massive release about to take place to bring in the final harvest. This won’t be another revival and it won’t be like anything we’ve seen before. The remnant is being prepared for this last move of God. Scripture says, “Come out from amongst her my people, those in Babylon.” All the people we’ve been working with to move the ministry to Houston have said the same thing; they’ve said they can see that God is with us and that they can feel His presence when they’re around us. That’s how we’re supposed to walk, carrying His presence everywhere we go.  To be anointed means you are anointed with teaching in order to breathe it into others. However, Early Church Father Ignatius tells us that there is also a false anointing, or a false teaching, which he called a bad odor of false doctrine. So, you need to ask yourself who’s breath you have in you - the breath of God or the breath of Sata...

The Anointing Pt. 6

  The Lord is bringing up a generation of fiery ones. When the fire came down to dedicate the Temple of Solomon, everything in the temple was in order. The same goes for the early church which was all about order with its structure like the temple. The Word says that we are a nation of king priests, a royal priesthood, so the priesthood is not done away with. The temple is also not done away with, as we are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16).    The Didache is the earliest recorded document written during the time that Jesus and the apostles were alive. This was instruction for the church used by the early church and given to new converts. In this document it says that the office of the prophet was still in effect and was not done away with. It describes a prophet as one who discloses the mysteries of the faith.    A prophet that comes to minister the mysteries of the faith is to not be judged by anyone because he answers directly to God. If anyone tries to judge G...