The Face of God

We are so close to the end move and we need to be prepared for what is coming. God is moving in miracles I have never seen before. We need to be ready to train others. Someone recently reminded me of a prophetic word that I got years ago from an Indian prophet, Pastor Thomas, and now we are seeing those things he prophesied come to pass. We finally have more people starting to speak up and take a stand. I just interviewed Father Altman, a Bishop of the Catholic church, who has taken a firm stand against the Pope. He called the Pope a viper, along with all the other bishops who failed to stand up against abortion. He doesn’t even call him the “Pope”- he calls him by his real name, Jorge Bergoglio. He also referred to all the bishops who wouldn’t stand for biblical truth as a brood of vipers. This guy was intense and also spot on! As we spoke, I brought up the Didache and the Constitution of the Apostles concerning abortion and he knew exactly what I was talking about because ...