Usury and Resurrection
There are many right now who are waking up to the notion that biblical debt has more to do with spiritual debt, not physical. In the biblical economy, the Lord uses parables to compare sin to debt and revelation to finances. We are either a slave to sin, Satan, or we are a slave to the kingdom of God. This is why the word servant is translated as slave, which is why the the prophets and apostles are called servants or slaves numerous times throughout the Bible. Paul said he was a slave to Christ (Romans 1:1). When you are a slave to Christ, you don’t get to do whatever you want. Your life is not your own. We start in debt to sin, but when Christ redeems us with His blood, that makes us a slave to Him. We have to understand the Bible is not just a book about Jesus. The Bible is a book about what Jesus wants us to be. If you’re a slave, you don’t have to think about what to do next because your master tells you what you need to...