Three Dreams For the past week I was approached by three different saints who came to me to share their dreams that they had had recently. All three dreams were similar in that they each were seeing the last move of God happening. They saw that the building into which we have plans to move, had people from all over the world coming to it and these people were all part of the final harvest. All three saints said they experienced the glory of God manifesting in their respective dreams. One saint said they had seen God’s hand come out of the cloud and put something into me. They all shared that there was a sense of urgency, that the sense was that we were out of time. I feel like this switch into the glory can come at any time. What I was hearing as these saints shared their dreams with me is that we need to all get it together and to be serious in our walks and in our seeking of the Lord. The Remnant This brings me to what I want to share to you about signs and sins. T...