
Showing posts from December, 2021


  Three Dreams For the past week I was approached by three different saints who came to me to share their dreams that they had had recently. All three dreams were similar in that they each were seeing the last move of God happening. They saw that the building into which we have plans to move, had people from all over the world coming to it and these people were all part of the final harvest. All three saints said they experienced the glory of God manifesting in their respective dreams. One saint said they had seen God’s hand come out of the cloud and put something into me. They all shared that there was a sense of urgency, that the sense was that we were out of time. I feel like this switch into the glory can come at any time. What I was hearing as these saints shared their dreams with me is that we need to all get it together and to be serious in our walks and in our seeking of the Lord.  The Remnant   This brings me to what I want to share to you about signs and sins. T...

The High Priesthood

The Last Move of God This last move of God that I feel is going to explode shortly begins with holiness and righteousness. We are going to cross over a point where there is no going back. But in order to cross over, we must change from our old ways. We don’t want to be like the Hebrews in the wilderness who would not change and for that reason, the Lord did not allow them to cross over into the land of promise but instead, kept them in the wilderness.  Barnabas talks about how we are to sanctify the day with clean hands and a pure heart. The day, of which he speaks, is the true Sabbath rest which is the millennial kingdom or, the thousand-year rule and reign of Christ. We cannot enter that seventh day unless our heart, which is our conscience, has been made pure before God. It follows that our works must be purified and cleansed before God as well. The Lord is looking for a transformation in our walk; a transformation in everything that we think, say and do. It all must be sanctif...

The Unveiling of the Church

  In this season, it’s important that we’re patient. God wants to fulfill His purpose through us. He is showing us what we need to do now in order to prepare us for what to do next. Many prophetic voices are saying that the final harvest is going to start at the beginning of next year. Every second we have should be used as an opportunity to get ourselves ready. We need to stay focused now more than ever.   Many people in the church are veiled as far as the way they see Jesus. At the end of the age, Jesus is going to reveal Himself in a way that no other generation has seen before. If you believe that Jesus did it all at the cross you’ll never reach all that  God has for you - you have a huge part to play in this! But if Jesus did it all at the cross then why did Paul say that he picked up his cross every day? Also, in Colossians 1:24, Paul wrote, “I fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ?” Paul also said t...

Who are the 144,000 (Part 2)

                                                 We know from the writings of the early church fathers that the 144,000 are those in the church who are raised up by Elijah and will be sealed. Those who are “spiritual” are those who can supernaturally see the revelation of the prophetic messages that are written in a mystery. I used to think that to be spiritual you had to have encounters with angels, see visions, or speak in tongues, but those things did not define a person as spiritual to the early church.   In Romans 2, the Apostle Paul warns the church concerning the day of wrath and revelation. He isn’t referring to judgment coming on the world, but to the church. The church is under judgment for not having a sincere and penitent heart to walk out truth, and for being disobedient to truth. Paul wrote that to be justified we need to be doers of the law and...