Circumcision of the Soul


I know the Lord is positioning us for the last move. Things in the ministry are moving faster than ever, which means we’re running out of time. Today we're going to find out if God’s judgement is coming on the world or on the church...When we hear about the wrath of God, most churches believe that it is coming on the world, but Scripture teaches us that judgment starts in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). 


A true Jew is one who has a righteous understanding of the law and keeps it by walking it out spiritually. Deuteronomy 29:29 says that the only way for us to keep the law is to understand the secret through revelation. Paul says that we are spiritual Jews if our heart is circumcised as a sign that we keep the spiritual law, not the letter. Salvation is not based on a prayer or grace; it is based on circumcision (Rom. 2:29). 


In Romans 2:22, Paul rebukes those who thought they were keeping the law: “You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?” Paul was saying that just because they were abstaining from physical adultery does not mean that they were keeping the righteous requirement of the law. Jesus came and taught if you look at a woman with lust in your heart, it is adultery. So when Jesus came, did He make it easier? Which is harder, to avoid committing physical adultery, or to altogether avoid thinking about it? It is much harder to keep the law in the spirit because it has to do with our conscience, or our way of thinking, which really is our soul.


The problem with the letter of the law is that the physical sacrifices never had the ability to cleanse our conscience (soul). Only holy doctrine has the ability to cleanse the soul. For each one of us, our actions tell us exactly where our soul stands. To deal with your vices, you first have to see which vices you have, and start believing you need to deal with them. The reason people hold onto their vices is they refuse to walk out what they’re learning.


Everything we do reveals what kind of believer we are. Sin is not what you do - it's the way you think. The Lord is trying to change our ways and save us from our old ways, but the problem with being hard hearted is refusing to change. It’s easy to see hard heartedness; it’s that person who is always trying to justify themselves. At this point, if you’re not chasing God, you’re chasing the enemy. You can't say you love God without a passion for Him. That means God comes before anyone else. He has to be your desire, your passion, your everything. 


Our hearts are supposed to shine with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. Every time revelation comes, the glory is coming in it. Every hidden message that comes out of the Holy of Holies is a part of His glory that has the ability to change and transform the soul. Paul said that when the Old Testament is read a veil lies over their hearts (2 Cor. 3:15). Paul also said that the veil is the flesh. If you have flesh over your heart, that means you need a circumcision of the heart. When the veil is removed, that is called an apocalypse/revelation. Paul said when you turn to Christ the veil is removed (2 Cor. 4:3-4). To turn means to repent. So, if you are reading the Law with a veiled understanding, you are in sin and you need to repent. Repentance is converting to truth which is ultimately what circumcises the heart! 


The prophet Jeremiah was told that if the people refuse to circumcise their hearts they would receive the wrath of God. Paul says that the wrath of God comes on those who suppress the truth. That is not the world as they don’t even know the truth. It is the church that knows the truth but suppresses it (Romans 1 and 2)! God's wrath is revealed from heaven, and up until this point, His wrath has been hidden. Now He is getting ready to reveal it. It's about to happen right here, right now. The Lord has been saying enough is enough. If you don't want to walk in the truth or teach it,  judgment is coming.


The Lord will only circumcise you when you love Him with all your heart and all your soul so that you may live. Scripture tells us that the latter house will be greater than the former house. The church today does not look anything like the Early Church. They were sold out, and many died for the truth. The wrath of God is coming on those who refuse to change and refuse to have their hearts circumcised. If we have just the letter in us, there is no power in it. It’s time to go all in with the Lord, because only then can we set others free.



Apostle Michael Petro



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