
Showing posts from June, 2021


All the Early Church Fathers believed in what modern theologians call the “Millennial Day theory” or the “Sabbath Millennial theory.” This end time eschatology was believed and taught by the Early Church. The apostles also taught that the days of creation were a pattern of God’s timeline to reveal what He was going to do on the Earth and when the end would come. When the Day of the Lord is mentioned in Scripture, it is actually referring to the Millennial Kingdom.  If you count from the time of Adam until now, it has been six thousand biblical years, with a millennium being 1000 years. Peter wrote that a thousand years is as a day to the Lord (2 Peter 3:8). It has been six thousand years from the time of Adam, or six days. Barnabus, the disciple of Paul, tells us that after six thousand years we come to the true Sabbath, which is the Millennial Kingdom or the millennial reign of Christ. The process in which this happens and how this will take place is no longer being taught in the ...

Full Redemption

Most Christians think they’ll be fully redeemed when they go to heaven. However, when Paul writes about the great faith hall of fame, he tells us, “And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise” (Hebrews 11:39). These fathers of the faith are in heaven but they are still waiting for the promise to come. At this moment, the church has been so asleep to the shift that is right in front of us that we could miss it if we’re not awake to what God is doing.  Apostle Paul also says in Romans that the church will be veiled to unrighteousness at the end. The apocalypse is all about the church becoming awake to what God is doing. The veiled mind is the carnal mind, and Scripture tells us that the carnal mind is at war with God (Romans 8:7). The biggest problem in the church is that people are blind and asleep to what God is doing. Part of the reason they’re asleep is because they’re suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. In a lot of ways the cu...

The Two Witnesses

The Lord has been showing me bits and pieces about the two witnesses for the past few months. We’ve been prepared by the last handful of teachings to understand what the Lord is revealing now. To understand it, we need to understand the High Priesthood and the anointing. Ben Sira wrote that when the High Priest would come out of the Holy of Holies on the day of Atonement that he would shine like the sun and would make the Holy Place glorious.    To the Jews and the Early Church, the voice was God’s direct speech through an individual. This was why there was a closeness between His chosen vessels and  the people they raised up. The voice is the Lord speaking through His messengers.  The people under these men of God knew how important they were because of the message they carried.    These men were anointed by God. When David was anointed, it says the Holy Spirit came upon him (1 Sam. 16:13). Many pastors today teach that they did not have the Holy Spirit i...