
Showing posts from May, 2021

Interpretation of Scripture

This week, we had a meeting with Margaret Barker - she’s a graduate of Cambridge University and is widely known amongst theologians for her work on the Early Church Fathers. She said that without the traditions of the Early Church, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot come. The traditions that she spoke about are exactly what we have been teaching here at our ministry; the traditions speak of the secrets of the kingdom. These were mysteries that were not written down for the most part. These are teachings that the Lord gave me through visitations. I just started reading the Early Church Fathers in the last five years and have found revelations the Lord gave me twenty years ago in their writings. I can see clearly that the way the Early Church interpreted the scriptures has been lost to most churches today.   In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul took a physical event that happened in the Old Testament and revealed the spiritual meaning of it. Paul showed that the crossing of the Red Sea was symbolic o...

The 144,000, Part 5

Right now the Lord is looking for those who are focused on what He wants to do in these end times and what He wants to do through them. While it may seem that the Lord sidesteps us at times, He is actually trying to help us understand His plan and purpose. Many Christians believe that they’ll be raptured, and just fly away one day, but that is not what the Early Church taught. That false end-time rapture eschatology can be traced back to two Jesuit priests who introduced “futurist theology” which is where the modern-day rapture theology comes from. It states that the 144,000 are literal Jews. The Word says that we are Jews inwardly (Rom. 2:28), and the Early Church taught that the 144,000 were spiritual Jews, or those who have had a circumcision of the heart.  In the end those who have false teaching will be wiped away and destroyed. The Early Church taught that there will be those who will try to ascend the mountain of God, but they’ll be unable to because of their beastly underst...
As the Lord revealed this week’s word to me, it became clear how the last few weeks of messages are very much intertwined. God is showing us so much right now as a preparation for His glory. This week’s word wasn’t complete until 4 am this morning when the Lord woke me up to put it all together.    We need to understand that we are supposed to operate as a spiritual tabernacle. The tabernacle shows us how to cross over into the next dimension. You can either be part of that crossing over or you can watch it. Paul said that the tabernacle and the sacrifices were all a shadow built by the hands of man, but the true tabernacle is built by God (Hebrews 8). The shadow is limited in that it only shows the outline, not the detail. We can only see the detailed features of that image when it becomes illuminated (through revelation). The shadow is not a bad place to start as it is a place of learning. But when we get the veils off, we get that imprint of light and the image of God being...

The Mountain Fire

The church is being prepared to receive the baptism of fire. This fire will release us into something that has never been seen before and bring a shift in our minds. The apocalypse is a removal of the veil, or seeing something that has never been seen before. In Hebrews 10:20, Paul tells us that the veil is the flesh. Simply put, those who still have flesh in the way won’t be a part of this transition. We have to get rid of our fleshly desires to go into the Holy of Holies. The apocalypse is not about the end of the world - it is about the end of religion. Moses went up Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah and give it to the people. When Moses came down the mountain, he read them everything that the Lord told him and the people said, “we will do it” or they said, “I do.” The Covenant of the Torah is a marriage contract and the people understood what would happen if they were to disobey this covenant. The Lord is looking for people of the covenant, those who are keeping the marriage contract....

The Upright Ones

The Lord is calling the church to go deeper into His presence. The Early Church understood the lifestyle of being in God’s presence and the seriousness of it. Currently, we are seeing our intercession ramp up and become much more intense. The Lord is looking for midwives to help birth this last move. This last move is not a revival for the church - it is the final move of God in order to bring in the great harvest.    In Hebrew, the word revival speaks of an empty stomach that is revived by being filled with food. The prophet Amos said there would be a famine in the land, but it will not be for natural bread but for the Word of God (Amos 8:11-13). We live in a time where most Christians are Bible illiterate. This ignorance of the Word and of the revelation of the Word is a sign of the end of the age. The Word says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Right now the church is full of spiritually dead Christians - this is exactly what Jesus said would happen! In...