
Showing posts from March, 2021
The 144,000... We are coming to a time where God is going to start bringing His wrath and judgment on the earth. He’s removing the religious, and He is done with lazy Christians who do not want to have a relationship with Him. Many think that everyone in the church is going to get into the kingdom of God and that the world will be judged, but when you read Romans 1 and 2, it’s easy to see that Paul is talking about the judgment of the church.    The Apostle Paul describes those who will receive the wrath of God. It’s those who are disobedient to truth, those who won’t repent (Romans 2:5-8), and those who suppress the truth. It’s those who are keeping the world from seeing who God is in them (Romans 1:18-19) - they are treasuring up for themselves wrath. When God’s divine nature is being revealed by rightly understanding the Gospel, it gives us that ability to become like Him. We think of sin as lying, cheating and stealing, but sin actually means to be ignorant of the truth. ...

The Fire

For the last few weeks, the Lord has put Solomon on my heart. The pattern that we see in the Word of how the glory comes is shown through Solomon. Earlier this week, we were in intercession, when all of sudden, an angel appeared. This angel was bright, but not not as bright as others that have visited me in the past. When they appear with an exceedingly bright light, it’s difficult to see the form or shape because the brightness is almost blinding. I asked, “Who are you?” The angel said to me, “I am Wisdom.”  Wisdom is here to help us go through the final stages, making the adjustments that we need to make for the final move, for the glory to come. We have been praying for this baptism of fire, the final fire that dedicates the temple. There are some who are waiting for a temple to be built in the Middle East but Paul says we’re the temple. This temple built by the hands of man is not where He seeks to dwell but instead he seeks a place in you, the true temple of God (Acts 7:48). ...
Reprobate Mind… What is a reprobate mind and how can we spot it? The reprobate mind is a  religious spirit and is often seen in one who does not want to follow headship. Those who want to do their own thing and won’t submit to the truth are in danger of becoming reprobate. This mind is one of the things that will manifest itself at the end of the age. In Scripture, we can see how Jesus dealt with this kind of mindset. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8) so the way he handles the reprobate will also be the same.    Many in the church perceive Jesus as soft, loving, and non-offensive. But when we pick up our Bibles it’s easy to see how confrontational Jesus was, and still is, against religious spirits. In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 12:33-37) Jesus called the Pharisees a bunch of vipers right to their faces. Wait…where’s the love? I thought it was all about love and we can only say things that edify? Those with a  religious mindset often sa...