Prophetic Cry


I warned our church about the vaccine when it came out and told them not to take it. At the time, I didn’t fully understand why but I knew what the Lord was telling me and now we have major confirmations as to why this vaccine is to be avoided. 

Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough was on the news speaking about research related to the Covid shot, such as research from Sweden which establishes that the “vaccine” carries mRNA, which can actually change the DNA of a person. This is exactly what happened in Genesis 6 with the fallen angels defiling the daughters of man in creating Nephilim. They sought to corrupt the DNA that God had created. This is prophesied in the book of Genesis when the Lord said to the woman that her seed will be at war with the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). Inside a man’s seed is his DNA and we know Jesus said that the seed is the Word. This fight for DNA is really a battle for the Word. 

Jesus said that the end times would be as the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37). Noah was six hundred years old when the ark was finished. Scripture and the early church teach that all things will come to an end at six thousand biblical years. 

We cannot be afraid of the trials and tribulations. Most of the church believe in a pre-tribulation rapture because they don’t want to go through any tribulation. The early church taught that we have to go through tribulation as part of our perfecting process. For example, Origen taught that when Jesus was tempted by Satan, Jesus approached the temptation as a zealous athlete ready to compete. Jesus was not afraid of the trial; He was unwavering and was ready for the trial. That is how we need to approach our tribulations. 

When Jesus was being tempted, He was not tempted by the common things we might consider temptation. On the contrary, when Satan tempted Jesus, it was with the Word of God. Satan knows Scripture. The difference is that Satan can only understand it through the letter (literal meaning), and not the spiritual understanding, so those who read the Bible through the letter only are reading Scripture the way Satan does. 

Satan comes to test us with the letter of the Word. Those who come to test you with the letter of the Word are servants of Satan - they are his ministers. The enemy is not allowed to come and test you unless the Lord knows you are ready. The way you can find out if you are an overcomer or not is if you are ready to take on the fight, or if you just try to run away from it. 

Jesus said that we would be attacked for the Word’s sake. If you are not being attacked that is because you do not have enough of the Word in you. The Word of God is not a book; it is a person. We won’t be tested for what we know but for who we know and we need to know Jesus the Word. The Devil brings no other temptation than from the Divine Books. 

The Lord does not care how much money you make, where you work, how you dress, or how big of a smile you have. None of that matters if we’re not able to teach this revelation. The anointing is the ability to receive revelation and to impart it to others. 

This pattern is laid out in the book of Revelation. Every message that was given to the church was given to an angel. The early church taught that every time the high priest went behind the veil, he became an angel. In Hebrew an angel is known as a messenger - it’s not just some creature in heaven with wings. Jesus called John the Baptist His angel. The bishop, or Apostle is the angel to the church. So, in the Book of Revelation, all the seven churches receive their messages from an angel, who received it from the Lord. 

I have never seen anything like what we have going on today. The Lord’s wine glass is full and He is ready to release it. He’s done dealing with attitudes. We have to be ready to wisely use what little time we have left before the feasts. This fall there is going to be a major shift and we need to pray for these midterm elections. We need to press into fasting and prayer. Amen. 



Apostle Michael Petro


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