
Showing posts from August, 2021

Gideon’s Army

  We’re stepping into a time of the miraculous - things are moving fast! The Lord is shutting old doors and opening new doors and this is no time to fool around. There’s no more time for those who are still waiting to step in; things are shifting too quickly now. We need to pray for the wisdom to align ourselves with this shift and to be ready for the harvest.   We’re in the final minutes of the final hour. If we miss this, there is no second chance...there is no trying again next year. There are many in the church who have not pressed in; they don’t study, they never took their walk with God seriously, and now they are being pulled out by the enemy. Whenever it is time to prune the tree, the enemy lurks around looking to prey on the weak.    For this last move to take place, the Lord must have His apostles in place on the Earth. The Early Church clearly spoke of the importance of having the apostles (bishops) in the church and they taught that without the apostles t...

The Spirit Versus the Soul

  Something big is getting ready to hit us. There is a massive release about to take place to bring in the final harvest. This won’t be another revival and it won’t be like anything we’ve seen before. The remnant is being prepared for this last move of God. Scripture says, “Come out from amongst her my people, those in Babylon.” All the people we’ve been working with to move the ministry to Houston have said the same thing; they’ve said they can see that God is with us and that they can feel His presence when they’re around us. That’s how we’re supposed to walk, carrying His presence everywhere we go.    To be anointed means you are anointed with teaching in order to breathe it into others. However, Early Church Father Ignatius tells us that there is also a false anointing, or a false teaching, which he called a bad odor of false doctrine. So, you need to ask yourself who’s breath do you have in you, the breath of God or the breath of Satan? Jesus said that the seed is th...

Unveiling the Soul

Today's word is about the resurrection of the soul - the Lord is looking for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The Lord Himself taught that in the end times the church would hire teachers to tell them what they want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). I will tell you what you don’t want to hear because I care enough about your soul to tell you the truth so that you can prepare yourself for what’s coming.    The Lord is looking at each of our souls to see if we’re ready. The soul is the place of desire, will, and conscience. The Lord is looking for those who are willing to die to themselves, and that comes from the soul. Death to self is dying to our passions and desires, dying to our will and only desiring to do the will of the Father. Two thousand years ago Jesus was not looking for everyone - He was only looking for those who were obedient. The same is true today!   Let’s talk some about what a testament is and how it applies to us as the body of Christ. A testament is ba...