
Showing posts from December, 2020

Reprobate Mind: Highlights from Sunday's Teaching #TheVoiceofHealing

This past Sunday at The Voice of Healing Church the Spirit of God moved powerfully through a time of ministry and the release of scripture concerning what the word calls a "reprobate mind."  Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient... Reprobate in Greek is the word, adokimos . The definition means unapproved, rejected, worthless, not standing the  test, and unfit to name a few. Today, many ministers are suppressing the truth. When the truth is suppressed, it causes believers to become lazy in regards to studying the divine word of God. If the gospel becomes compromised, then the mind becomes compromised leading ultimately to a reprobate mind.  If our mind is not renewed from a carnal to a spiritual mind through the process of revelation of our Messiah, how can anyone partner with the Holy Spirit in washing their soul?  You can ju...

Welcome to Apostle Michael Petro's Blog

Hi  Everyone,  Thank you for joining me here on Blogger. I'm excited to share with you all updates on what's happening with the ministries here at The Voice of Healing Church and The Voice of Healing Radio . We are in a significant time of transition. Its truly a divine season for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  We will be informing everyone here about the updates concerning The Voice of Healing Radio, The Voice of Healing TV and our transition to Houston, Texas.  Comment below if you have any prayer requests or questions. Connect with me on social media: #MichaelPetro #ApostleMichaelPetro #TheVoiceofHealingChurch #VOHRadio